Scottish Daily Mail

Baby shop turns up its nose at dirty nappies

- By Nazia Parveen

IF you like shopping with your baby in tow, a store that offers changing facilities can be a welcome bonus.

But one upmarket baby shop has told parents to take their dirty nappies home, claiming it costs too much to dispose of them.

Trendy JoJo Maman Bebé – a favourite with Victoria Beckham – boasts online about its babyfriend­ly facilities, saying: ‘We are a family-friendly store and cater for babies, toddlers and mums-to-be.’

But a note posted in the store’s 68 outlets says: ‘We are no longer able to offer a nappy bin and request that you take them home.’

It goes on to warn parents not to leave dirty nappies in the bin or try to flush them down the toilet, adding: ‘We apologise for this madness but there is nothing we can do about it. Should you need a nappy bag, please ask.’ Mother-of three Karen Taylor spotted the sign when she was shopping in a branch in Market Harborough, Leicesters­hire.

Mrs Taylor, 48, from Oadby, fumed: ‘ What’s the point of having a changing table but no bin to put a nappy in!

‘They’re only providing half a service and the shop’s expensive enough as it is. A few mums are having a little moan and I might t hink t wice about coming again.’

Store chain owner Laura Tenison said a rule change two years ago meant dirty nappies now have to be treated like hospital waste and it was not ‘environmen­tally friendly’ or a ‘sensible business model’ to arrange for a van to pick up ‘one or two nappies’ from individual stores at a cost of £40,000 a year.

‘Most of our customers are intelligen­t people and they would understand our reasoning behind this policy,’ she said.

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