Scottish Daily Mail

Time to move on and let old quarrels die


sureLy it is time for scotland to forgive, forget and move on.

It is more than 25 years since Thatcher’s Government alienated scotland with the poll tax debacle. For many scots, it was the final insult that has resulted in continued unforgiven­ess of future Tory Parties. Those that were too young to have known margaret Thatcher and those not even born in 1989, have no doubt been indoctrina­ted with tales of the ‘wicked witch’. so be it.

However, it is debilitati­ng to continue living in the past. Thatcher and her regime no longer make the decisions. Times have changed. scotland was almost lost to the uK and David Cameron is aware that the sNP is always going to be snapping at his heels. Being an intelligen­t man, he can now be expected to look on scotland’s needs with concern and respect.

Tory policies are primarily to further the uK’s economic growth, from which scotland can expect to benefit over the next five years. a strong economy enables improvemen­ts for the NHs and elderly care; all stages of education and youth Training; sensible minimum wage that exceeds benefit payments; continued help for first time home buyers and small businesses. without successful captains of industry, it is doubtful if there can be funds in the coffers for any Government to use for the benefit of a nation.

Likewise, imprudent spending will deplete the coffers. a good balance needs to be achieved without pandering to individual­s who only think ‘what is in it for me?’. The latter should especially apply to all our mPs, regardless of party.

a hung parliament will be especially chaotic this time round. sad, too, if it is caused by a portion of scotland voting out of nothing more than misplaced fear or pure vindictive dislike of the english. They are our closest neighbours and currently, many are our blood relatives. as in all families, it is better we work together and not agin each other. so, come on scotland. Think intelligen­tly, just as you did in the referendum. say No to the sNP that is hell bent on destroying the united Kingdom.

M.WRIGHT, Edinburgh. I HaVe grave doubts about the honour and integrity of the sNP leadership.

Before voting tomorrow I would ask any still believing their blandishme­nts with regards to the influence they will exert on a uK government to think most carefully. During the referendum campaign we were informed by the sNP leadership that an independen­t scotland’s entry to the eu would be a formality and that legal advice had been given to that effect. when probed for detail they prevaricat­ed and obfuscated until the Freedom of Informatio­n legislatio­n was invoked and they had to tell. It turned out that not only had they been merely best guess asserting what they inferred was legal advice, no legal advice had even been sought.

with that as an example, is it any wonder the honour and integrity of the sNP leadership is in question?


 ?? ?? Bygone era: Margaret Thatcher chats to Scotland fans in Downing Street days after becoming Prime Minister in May 1979
Bygone era: Margaret Thatcher chats to Scotland fans in Downing Street days after becoming Prime Minister in May 1979

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