Scottish Daily Mail

Only 1 in 5 live life to the full


EVER get that feeling that life’s just passing you by? You’re not alone. Just one in five of us believe we are living life to the full, says a study.

Researcher­s found that although half of us have a zest for life, the majority long for more excitement.

They quizzed 2,000 Britons on what they considered to be ultimate life-fulfilling experience­s. Answers included flying on a private jet, dating a model, getting married in Las Vegas, diving with sharks and surfing in Hawaii.

More daring ones revealed in the survey for Jeep Renegade included having an illicit affair and going skinny dipping in the ocean.

One in four said they never do anything exciting, but if they did they would like to go white water rafting, sky diving or bungee jumping.

Many aspired to go travelling, with walking along the Great Wall of China, driving across Route 66 and gambling in Monte Carlo featuring on the list.

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