Scottish Daily Mail

Hate sausages? Heather has a sad soya substitute


Oh no! Recycled barf bags at the ready — vbites is back!

nearly five years after her flagship VBites vegan restaurant closed in Brighton, heather Mills is once again on a veg attack.

her dream of opening a VBites cafe in every town in the UK may now lie in non-meat tatters, but plucky heather won’t give up. She has opened a VBites concession in the Chester branch of holland & Barrett — with plans for 25 more.

At the launch, her 11- year- old daughter Beatrice was dragooned into handing out the samples of veganmince (vince), vegan gammon ( vammon) and vegan duck (never mind).

Some might think it is admirable that Paul McCartney’s ex is giving her vegan goodies another go. But not me!

I’ll never forget her VBites in Brighton, with its weird obsession with meat — fake soya meat. The restaurant sold fake chicken, fake burgers, fake sausages, fake pepperoni and fake fishcakes, most of them topped with synthetic fake cheeses.

heather’s own favourite snack was a VBites soya burger with soya cheese, soya bacon-style rasher, plus a slice of pineapple topped with guacamole, tomato relish and coleslaw.

Even the thought of it makes me feel a bit faint.

The fake meats are once more in her VBites range — this is the part of her militant veganism that I can’t understand. If you hate meat, if you despise meat and everything it stands for, why not eat meat alternativ­es instead of meat substitute­s?

Why shell out on a three-buck chuck, as the Americans say, when you could have a lovely organic apple or carrot instead?

 ??  ?? Taste test: Heather Mills this week
Taste test: Heather Mills this week

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