Scottish Daily Mail

under the microscope

Presenter and singer Cerys Matthews, 46, answers our health quiz

- CerYS MAttHeWS is appearing at the Good Life experience food and music festival, September 18 to 20. For tickets, see thegoodlif­eexperienc­ Interview by SARAH EWING

CAN YOU RUN UP THE STAIRS? I’VE been fitter. I used to do ashtanga yoga regularly and go to the gym even after I had my first child, Glenys, in 2003. But when I had my second and third babies (Johnny in 2005, and Red Owen in 2009) I found it a struggle to make any time for exercise.

WHAT’S YOUR DIET LIKE? I’M INCREDIBLY fussy about eating healthily. I don’t eat processed foods because I think it affects your palate. My mum was a great cook, so I was raised on fresh, home-cooked food and that’s what I strive to do with my children. Chickpea, lentil and tomato soup is a family favourite. I wish whole, fresh foods weren’t as costly, so more people could have them.

ANY VICES? SALTED butter and cheese on fresh bread. I don’t have a sweet tooth.

POP ANY PILLS? NO, SUPPLEMENT­S are poppycock and a way of fleecing consumers. As long as you eat healthily, there’s no need.

ANY FAMILY AILMENTS? MY FATHER and I have late onset chronic asthma. I was diagnosed in my mid-20s. I wasn’t very good with keeping up with my daily dose of my brown steroid inhaler, which prevents flare-ups, and about 13 years ago I was having regular asthma attacks and reaching for my blue reliever inhaler. I’m much better now at being aware of my key triggers — stress and low immunity.

COPE WELL WITH PAIN? MY MATERNAL grandmothe­r, who was French, and my mother were exceptiona­lly tough women who didn’t tolerate any namby-pamby signs of weaknesses, so I’ve got an incredibly high pain threshold.

WORST ILLNESS? WHEN I was pregnant with Red, I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, which causes dangerousl­y high blood pressure, extreme swelling, headaches and blurry vision. I was working on the Children In Need TV show in Cardiff and, suddenly, I couldn’t do up my boots because my legs had swollen. My skin, especially on my hands, felt tight and angry. The previous night I’d dreamt the baby was in trouble. My doctor sent me straight to hospital and I had an emergency caesarean: Red was ten weeks early.

EVER GOOGLED AN ILLNESS? ALL the time because I can’t bear going to the doctor — and it’s impossible to get an appointmen­t when you need one.

CONSIDER PLASTIC SURGERY? PREVENTION is better than going under the knife. Some people are luckier than others, but if you stay out of the sun and have a simple skincare routine, you can avoid a lot of damage.

EVER BEEN DEPRESSED? NOW I’m in my 40s, I’ve learned from my experience­s, so I feel more balanced and mentally tougher than in the past.

HANGOVER CURE? A TRADITIONA­L Bloody Mary — you can’t beat the hair of the dog!

LIKE TO LIVE FOR EVER? AFTER a while, you’d be missing those who’d died before you. Knowing you’ve got a finite time on earth means you can make the most of it and you realise how petty many worries are.

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