Scottish Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


÷ I’M NOT surprised self-employment is decreasing. I was the worst bloody boss I ever had!

CHRIS WILSON, London NW9. ÷ CAN the BMA say why those of us who are neither fat nor rich should be hit in the pocket when buying sugary drinks?

MICHAEL AYLMER, Twickenham, Middx.. ÷ READING that the new Scottish wine isn’t terribly good (Mail), I noticed that the vineyard is owned by a Mr Trotter. Did he move there from Peckham?

RICHARD MARTIN, Hazlemere, Bucks. ÷ WHEN the Government’s trades union Bill comes before the Commons, Labour should put down an amendment restrictin­g all personal political donations to the level of the political levy — £3 a year.

DAVID LINDSAY, Lanchester, Co Durham. ÷ I WORKED for 40 years in the Civil Service where women of the same grade were paid, quite correctly, the same salary as men. When I retired, I had to wait until I reached 65 for my state pension. My female colleagues got theirs at 60.

CLAUDE CURREY, Portishead, Somerset. ÷ SMALL suggestion for the Royal & Ancient after the weather delayed the Open and St Andrews: Why not play this key tournament in summer instead?

FLORA DUNLOP, Glasgow. ÷ GIVEN the damage caused to the Open by the weather, is it time to put the Old Course under a retractabl­e roof?

ROBERT GRIEVE, Edinburgh. ÷ HOW sad that Grand Prix driver Jules Bianchi has lost his life shortly after fellow racer Maria de Villota died. Scots who remember the loss of a talent as big as Jim Clark will appreciate how dangerous motorsport was – and is.

P. MITCHELL, via email.

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