Scottish Daily Mail

Tears and laughter... on the day the Clutha sang again

- By Jim McBeth

NICOLA Sturgeon pulled the first pint and wore a smile to hold back her tears.

in a pub opening like no other, the First Minister was surrounded by those who had come to mourn the dead, comfort the living and look to a brighter future.

The reopening of the Clutha Bar, a glasgow institutio­n, was a necessaril­y muted celebratio­n.

No amount of lager or champagne could erase the memory of the night of November 28, 2013, when a police helicopter crashed into the pub on the banks of the Clyde, claiming ten lives.

it opened its doors again yesterday, having been recreated within the old beer garden and smoking area the pub shared with its neighbour, the Victoria

‘Looking forward with mixed emotions’

Bar. Standing beside Clutha owner alan Crossan, Miss Sturgeon said: ‘ We are aware that, while we are celebratin­g the return of a famous institutio­n, it is an occasion tinged with real sadness.

‘Everyone in glasgow will remember for ever the horror. For those affected and the families of those lost, their lives changed for ever. as we celebrate, we are looking forward with mixed emotions.’

The First Minister’s words comforted those who cannot forget the tragedy that claimed pilot David Traill, 51, who was at the controls of the Bond Eurocopter, alongside PC Tony Collins, 43, and PC Kirsty Nelis, 36.

inside the pub, Mark O’Prey, 44, Joe Cusker, 59, gary arthur, 48, robert Jenkins, 61, Colin gibson, 33, and Samuel Mcghee, 56, and John Mcgarrigle, 57, lost their lives.

Mr Mcgarrigle’s daughters Marie, 38, and Linda, 36, learned of the tragedy soon after it happened – but it was not until the following morning they realised their father was gone.

Mother-of-three Linda, of Castlemilk, said: ‘There’s no closure. Life just changes. You have kids, your work and you keep going, but it’s always in your mind.’

Her sister added: ‘ We came because we wanted to see life about the place. it helps a little.’

Bar supervisor anne Marie Kennedy, 34, was buried alive but survived. She has no memory of the crash, only her rescue.

Miss Kennedy, from Thornlieba­nk, said: ‘i had no idea what happened. i stood up, intending to go back to work – until i collapsed.’

She spent four weeks in hospital with a broken leg and shoulder. She added: ‘i’m happy to be here. This evening should be about celebratin­g the return of the Clutha while rememberin­g those lost.’

alan Torrance, 55, and Calum grierson, 61, both of Hamilton, Lanarkshir­e, lost their friend Mr Cusker in the tragedy. They were among a group who met in the Clutha on the last Friday of every month.

Mr grierson, who suffered a serious head injury, was rescued by Mr Torrance, who said: ‘i was blown out of the door and ran back in to help the others. We managed to drag alan away but Joe was gone.’

Mr grierson added: ‘He’s always in our mind and being back here does offer some comfort.’

recalling the fateful night, Miss Sturgeon said: ‘Out of that tragedy came amazing stories. i remember being touched by the bravery, kindness and feeling of a city coming together to put its arms round each other. We learned a lot about ourselves and our city.’

The official verdict on what caused the crash is expected imminently, but an interim report by the air accident investigat­ion Branch has confirmed both engines on the aircraft suffered ‘fuel starvation’.

Mr Crossan, 62, said: ‘glasgow needs the Clutha, its people and the music but we cannot forget what brought us here and it’s time we knew what happened.

Elaine russell of legal firm irwin Mitchell Scotland, which represents 17 survivors and relatives, said: ‘We are working to ensure they get the financial support they deserve. However, no amount of compensati­on is a substitute for what they need most – answers.’

 ??  ?? Together: Nicola Sturgeon dances with a customer at the Clutha reopening, main picture, as bar staff remember the tragedy, left
Together: Nicola Sturgeon dances with a customer at the Clutha reopening, main picture, as bar staff remember the tragedy, left
 ??  ?? Tragedy: Night of the helicopter crash
Tragedy: Night of the helicopter crash

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