Scottish Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


AN INTERESTIN­G piece of informatio­n revealed on a BBC programme recently is that 60,000 social housing tenants in this country have other investment properties. Is there not something seriously wrong here?

JANE TAYLOR, Leeds. A NEW planet, Kepler-452b, with Earth-like conditions has been found. Any chance of waiting for its taxpayers to foot the bill for finding us?

BARBARA THOMAS, Billingshu­rst, Sussex. THE discovery of a new Earth is good news for our Department for Internatio­nal Developmen­t, which is having difficulty finding good causes on this Earth to give away our money to.

SIDNEY REDHEAD, Grimsby, Lincs. IF LABOUR MPs are really determined to make Labour unelectabl­e, a Jeremy Corbyn-Dennis Skinner dream ticket would seal the deal.

KURT CHARLES, Howden, East Yorks. HAVING just watched a TV programme, I’ve had a Eureka! Moment: I’ve decided on a career for one of my grandsons. He can marry a chunky girl, fatten her up a bit more, then become her carer and make £700 a month. Result!

Mrs ROSEMARY HYDE, Slough, Berks. AT 9AM on Friday, the UK was using 33/34 GW of electricit­y, to which wind power was contributi­ng less than 1 per cent. And this is meant to be our ‘carbon-free’ future.

PHILIP N. MORTIMER, Bognor Regis, Sussex. THIRTY-FIVE thousand pounds for a Nick Clegg speech (Mail). Shouldn’t that be 35p?

JOHN H. ISRAEL, Bromley, Kent. ANYONE who has ever hailed a cab could be said to have executed a ‘Nazi salute’ — but it’s only a Nazi salute to those who want it to be.

JEM TUGWOOD, Worthing, Sussex.

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