Scottish Daily Mail

Such a very profligate luvvie

Charity scandal raises troubling questions about BBC boss who loves spending your money

- by Geoffrey Levy

THIS year, Alan Yentob celebrates 47 unbroken years at the BBC and it is easy to see why he has never left. He is paid £330,000 a year, retains immense influence within the organisati­on and enjoys an expense account through which the licence-payer picks up his bills.

He has also amassed an impressive BBC pension pot of £6 million, a huge sum for the public sector, which should provide him with a pension well above £200,000 unless, under new rules, he chooses to cash in the lot.

Clearly, Alan Yentob, an example of the pampered ruling class at the heart of the BBC, takes a great deal of care with his own money. But just how careful is he when the money is not his own?

This week, charity Kids Company, of which he is chairman of trustees, closed despite an estimated £32 million pumped in by the Government plus money from wealthy donors.

This isn’t the first time he has been involved with an organisati­on in financial crisis. Five years ago he stepped down after eight years as chairman of the Institute of Contempora­ry Arts after it ran into serious funding problems with debts of £750,000.

As for his own finances, he has said he believes himself worth every penny of his salary as BBC Creative Director and presenter of the arts profiles programme Imagine (mockingly known as ‘Al’s Pals’ at the Beeb).

He justifies his income by saying he is ‘valuable’ to the Corporatio­n because of his ‘relationsh­ip with talent’ (too true, as we shall see) and ‘ understand­ing’ of the networks and schedules.

He told the Guardian: ‘I’ve been here for a long time. I’ve run all the channels, people have heard of me. I sound like I have famous friends. I’m easy to take the p*** out of.’

Tell that to the brilliant comedienne Jennifer Saunders who once launched a tirade against the BBC — and Yentob in particular — because of all the executive back-slapping that happens at licence-payers’ expense.

‘It’s become top-heavy in such an ugly way,’ she said, ‘ a corporate, executive-run place for idiots . . . I mean, how is Alan Yentob still in the building?’

It is a fair question because Yentob was expected to be ‘let go’ as a BBC executive five years ago. In 2010, the then DirectorGe­neral Mark Thompson decided to make economies by axeing a number of senior posts, among them Yentob’s ‘ main’ job of Creative Director.

Other individual­s duly departed, including the Deputy Director-General Mark Byford, with an astonishin­gly generous pay- off of £ 1 million, as well a pension pot of £3.4 million at the age of 55.

But Yentob? Thompson was persuaded he was indispensa­ble. At any rate, Yentob is still there, and still so confident in his power that he personally sought to intervene in the Corporatio­n’s news coverage of Kids Company’s demise in what colleagues saw as a clear conflict of interest.

He telephoned the editor of BBC2’s Newsnight programme hours before it screened a damning report on the charity and allegedly tried to say there was no story.

A close friend of Kids Company founder, Camila Batmanghel­idjh, Mr Yentob long had direct involvemen­t in the charity’s affairs.

In 2002, he secretly lobbied Treasury officials to write off a £ 689,000 payment that Kids Company owed to HM Revenue & Customs after that sum was taken from staff in employment taxes and not passed on to the taxman.

YENTOB sent a message from his BBC email account to Kids Company colleagues, including Miss Batmanghel­idjh, revealing he had contacted Labour minister Dawn Primarolo, then the Paymaster General, and Paul Boateng, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, about the tax bill.

He said Miss Primarolo’s aides had advised him to put the charity’s case to her in a letter so she could refer the matter to the Revenue. Later, £589,957 was written off using taxpayers’ money, with another £100,000 met by an unidentifi­ed donor.

Yentob’s interventi­on helped save the charity from going under then. But last month, he conceded the charity’s r ecent management decisions had been flawed — its expansion to Bristol, beyond its existing operations in London and Liverpool, was ‘ a bridge too far’ and it was ‘probably a mistake’ for Kids Company to ‘live hand to mouth with no reserves’.

It’s a shame the BBC panjandrum didn’t spot any problems earlier. But then Yentob, for all his artistic abilities, gives the impression of a man who keeps his eye very much on his own career.

even for a younger man, the post as Creative Director of the mighty BBC would be arduous work — a full-time job wouldn’t you think?

However, Yentob manages to do a second job, one for which he finds time to travel the world on the licence-fee payer — flying to Singapore, for example, and Los Angeles to interview John Cleese and eric Idle about Monty Python for a single episode of Imagine.

This programme frequently showcases his friends in the arts world — with the cameras regularly dwelling overlong on Yentob himself.

This infuriates polished presenters who privately accuse him not only of being ‘wooden’ and ‘ so dreadfully dull’ on camera, but also of taking their jobs.

Would he really be the presenter of this plum programme, they ask, if he was not Creative Director? The Financial Times described one Imagine profile of (his friend) writer Hanif Kureishi, as ‘ an hour of portentous complacenc­y’.

Jason Cowley, the seasoned New Statesman editor, has said: ‘Yentob has become a hagiograph­er. Worse still, the BBC allows him to make indulgent, uncritical programmes about his close friends — such as Kureishi and the architect Richard Rogers, husband of Ruth Rogers, chef-owner of London’s River Cafe restaurant i n West London, a favourite haunt of the bearded arts supremo and his pals.’

Questions have been asked before about Alan Yentob’s seemingly impregnabl­e role at the BBC.

However, when t he BBC’s profligate generosity towards its senior figures has become an issue, it has been largely concerned with staff expenses, an area with which Alan Yentob is all-too familiar.

From 2009 to 2014, expenses claims published by the BBC reveal Yentob spent £25,000 on taxis alone — part of a £75,722 overall claim.

Nine years ago, his alleged misuse of expenses led to an internal inquiry. Areas that were investigat­ed included the alleged use of a chauffeur- driven BBC car for his family, the purchase of £400 charity ball tickets and flight upgrades.

This expenses inquiry took place two years after a sumptuous Glastonbur­y Festival party at Yentob’s £ 2 million Tudor mansion in Somerset was paid f or out of licence-payers’ money on the basis that it was a legitimate BBC event.

The Creative Director, who also has a £6 million house in London’s Notting Hill, was cleared of misus- ing his expenses. There was no evidence of dishonesty but the internal inquiry found he had taken what it described as ‘insufficie­nt care over some aspects of his affairs’.

Insufficie­nt care? Could that phrase also be applied to his chairmansh­ip of Kids Company?

Despite such hiccups, Yentob’s job at the epicentre of the BBC, and the glamorous lifestyle that goes with it, continues uninterrup­ted.

An inveterate name-dropper (‘As I said to Orson,’ is heard since his programme about late actor Orson Welles), he is not without admirers as a talented broadcasti­ng executive behind the camera.

THESE include Greg Dyke, who beat him to the Director- General’s job in 2000, only to be forced to stand down with dignity in the fall-out from the ‘sexed up’ Iraq intelligen­ce reports row with the Labour government that ended in the suicide of weapons expert Dr David Kelly.

‘I’ve always been a great fan of Alan’s,’ says Dyke, who is now chairman of the Football Associatio­n.

Others include American comic Mel Brooks who, with his late actress wife Anne Bancroft, were godparents to Yentob’s children whom he has brought up with his long-time partner, Philippa Walker, a programme producer.

He is also admired by singer David Bowie and adman Charles Saatchi, both of whom Yentob has profiled on Imagine. So it i s perhaps unsurprisi­ng that within the Beeb there is resentment over what is seen as his ‘profession­al greed’.

Other BBC executives are said to be ‘amused’ at his vanity. ‘But he’s so powerful in the Corporatio­n that it’s difficult to criticise him,’ one says. ‘You won’t find anyone putting their head above the parapet to tell him the truth. It’s a case of the emperor’s new clothes.’

Yentob grew up in Manchester, where his f ather ran a textile business. Until recently, he was director of the firm, which is run by his twin brother.

Yentob is a familiar face on the Arts party circuit and at glamorous venues such as the Royal Opera House. This, one senior BBC figure says, boosts his ego as a presenter — ‘fawned over by people desperate to make programmes for the Beeb.’

One name that repeatedly crops up when Alan Yentob is mentioned is that of Sir David Attenborou­gh. Many years ago, the TV naturalist was, like Yentob, a rising BBC executive, a future candidate maybe for the Director-General’s chair.

Then Attenborou­gh learned that BBC brass hats did not approve of its executives doubling as presenters. He had to make a choice, and he chose his first love, presenting programmes.

Those were days, of course, when the integrity of the Corporatio­n was beyond question.

Clearly, no such ultimatum has ever been presented to Alan Yentob.

He may have resigned as chairman of the Institute of Contempora­ry Arts but he’s never thought the time was right for him to quit the BBC.

He recently defended the funding deal struck by the current DirectorGe­neral, Lord Hall, with the Government in which the BBC will take on the £750 million cost of free licence fees for the over-75s.

It was the best available option, Yentob said. ‘There are going to be hard choices,’ he explained. ‘everyone is going to have to think hard about how they create a simpler model.’

Perhaps a start could be made by the BBC losing its very expensive Creative Director.

Still, things might have been worse at the Corporatio­n. Just imagine the state of Auntie if the profligate Mr Yentob had been Director-General and in charge of the finances!

 ?? Picture: GETTY ?? Friends: Alan Yentob and Camila Batmanghel­idjh
Picture: GETTY Friends: Alan Yentob and Camila Batmanghel­idjh
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