Scottish Daily Mail

‘My lover and I tried to spice things up in the bedroom department. Now we’re banned from John Lewis’

Cracking gags from the Edinburgh Festival


The Festival, edinburgh which Fringe starts today,break a can comedian’smake or career — with the accolade for best joke a much sought-after prize.

here, RICHARD BARBER asks a clutch of 2015’s edinburgh hopefuls for their best one-liners . . .

STEWART FRANCIS: I used to work in search and rescue — which I always had a flair for.

LLOYD GRIFFITH: Did you hear about the woman who was late for her own funeral? Apparently, she had cold feet. My ex said my private parts were like a supermarke­t. Turns out she meant Lidl. I never knew my dad but my mum has finally managed to narrow it down to two . . . rugby teams that toured Grimsby in the early Eighties.

ANSON RICHARDS: A Jewish boy dutifully rang his mother on a Friday evening, as he always did. Boy: Are you all right, Mum? Mother: I’m fine. Boy: Sorry, I must have the wrong number. Switzerlan­d’s good points? Well, its flag is a big plus.

NICK CODY: Air Crash Investigat­ion is my favourite TV show. I’ve seen every one. here’s a tip for new viewers. If the show starts with the pilots being interviewe­d, it will be a boring episode.

KELLY KINGHAM: My wife and I can never agree on holidays. I want to fly to exotic places and stay in five- star hotels. And she wants to come with me. I was so lonely as a child, I invented an imaginary f ri end to have someone to talk to. It wasn’t terribly successful. he was French.

GEOFF NORCOTT: I told my dad I was learning German. He said: ‘What would your grandad say?’ So we Skyped him. He lives in Hamburg and he was fine with it.

KAI HUMPHRIES: People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw orgies.

JUSTIN MOORHOUSE: Dad: I’ve found a note. Your mother has left me and gone to Asia. Me: Read it again. Dad: Oh. Asda. Sorry to bother you.

MORGAN BERRY: What do camels get when they’re annoyed? A flat back?

MARK NELSON: If their oil is such a mood enhancer, how come every fish I see looks miserable as sin?

ROBIN MORGAN: A man came to my door and said: ‘have you heard about the good book? Jesus died for our sins.’ I said: ‘Don’t spoil the ending, mate.’

JOEL DOMMETT: People who process expired passports are so lazy. They’re always cutting corners.

PIFF THE MAGIC DRAGON: I went to a restaurant and ordered a baby roast chicken. They gave me a burnt egg.

I just got Sky. My roof fell in.

PAPA CJ: I come from Calcutta. In the UK, you drive on the left of the road. In Calcutta, we drive on what’s left of the road.

FELICITY WARD: My boyfriend’s lovely. Once he took my shoes off for me and that’s pretty romantic up to a certain age. Then it’s just home care.

JULIET MEYERS: I’m always nervous when I eat hot wings. It’s ridiculous. Who ever died from hot wings? Apart from Icarus.

KEITH FARNON: I once had a friend called Jacob. His middle name was Ian. It was a real tragedy.

CHRIS TURNER: I bought a muzzle for my pet duck. Nothing flashy but it fits the bill.

IAN SMITH: If you don’t know what introspect­ion is, you need to take a long, hard look at yourself.

ANDREW RYAN: Being a stepdad is l i ke being a community support officer. You look the part but, when you speak, nobody listens to a word you say.

NICK HALL: My girlfriend and I tried to spice things up in the bedroom department. Now we’re banned from John Lewis. I’m so middle class that, instead of saying ‘half time’ at a football match, I call it the ‘interval’.

LAURA LEXX: There’s a fine line between classy and trashy. For me, it’s the difference between Chanel being your perfume and your name.

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