Scottish Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


IN 1945, I was 16 and clearly remember my mother saying to me, if there had been a tunnel from France to England, Hitler would have won the war. Seeing the present situation in Calais, how right she was.

Mrs A. SOUTHALL, Barrow, Cumbria.

WHERE do migrants get the money — often thousands of pounds — to pay people-trafficker­s ?

JOHN EVANS, Wokingham, Berks.

HOW sad to see the passing of Sir Peter O’Sullevan. Racing must find a good way to commemorat­e his life.

DAVID HUGHES, Stourbridg­e.

BENEFITS cheat Cheryl Brooks defrauded the taxpayer of £36,000, but has had to pay just £2,308 costs and avoided prison. When are judges going to demand full repayment?

R BENNETT, Cheltenham, Glos.

THE dentist who killed Cecil the lion typifies Americans, who, as a nation, blast their way around the world regardless of anything but their egos.

ANGELA WOODRUFF, Wilmslow, Cheshire.

THE turmoil surroundin­g the Labour leadership would have Tony Blair turning in his grave — if he were dead!


THE BBC comes in for much criticism, but it does some things so well — such as the excellent adaptation of the The Outcast. A wonderful programme!

JUDITH LAWRENCE, Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex.

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