Scottish Daily Mail

I’m head of t’Met


SIR Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Metropolit­an Police Commission­er, is behind a controvers­ial recruitmen­t campaign for officers able to speak two languages. This is to improve the ethnic diversity of the London force. Asked on LBC radio if he practises what he preaches, Sir Bernard replied: ‘Yes. I speak English and Yorkshire.’

Hereditary tory peer earl dundee tabled a motion in the Lords last week, asking if ministers had considered reviving ‘the previous Hanseatic League trade routes between the UK and europe’. the League — a confederat­ion of merchant towns and guilds across northern europe — was abolished in 1800. No wonder so may people regard the House of Lords as out of date.

JEREMY CORBYN sees himself as a fearless champion of the gay community, telling Pink News that if he becomes PM, there would be ‘economic and diplomatic consequenc­es’ for countries with poor gay rights records.

Is this the same Jeremy Corbyn who was once paid £10,000 for a series of interviews for Press TV, the state- owned television station in Iran — a country that hangs homosexual­s?

Tory MP Claire Perry is so disgusted at the proposed 10 per cent pay rise for MPs that she says she’ll donate any extra money she gets to charities in her Wiltshire constituen­cy. She says: ‘In my view, offering this increase now, no matter i f justified, is extremely poor timing.’

Admittedly, Claire who had a well-remunerate­d pre-Commons career with Bank of America and Credit Suisse, may not need the money, but I wonder how many of her colleagues will follow her admirable example.

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