Scottish Daily Mail



GETTING enough sleep every night is crucial for your mental and physical health. There is so much repair and recovery going on while you snooze that even one bad night can be enough to set you back.

Fluctuatin­g middle -aged hormones play a part. Diminishin­g oestrogen wreaks havoc for many women at night, and new evidence shows a link between dropping testostero­ne levels in men and decreasing quality of sleep.

That leaves you feeling sluggish and also affects metabolism. In fact, experts believe lack of sleep could age fat cells by as much as 20 years. Luckily, food can help. Here’s what to pick . . .


Lean protein such as chicken, fish and eggs releases of important gut hormones which have been shown to have a significan­t effect on sleep.

Chronic lack of sleep increases levels of the hormone ghrelin (which tells your brain you’re hungry) and decreases levels of leptin (the hormone that tells your brain you are full).

But protein in the diet can counteract this effect. In one study, people who ate a low-protein diet for 48 hours took 21 minutes longer to reach deep sleep.

One essential amino acid, Ltryptopha­n, found in poultry, fish, red meat, eggs and low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, has been shown to aid sleep.

It helps to decrease the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, increases sleep time and reduces the number of middle-of-the-night awakenings.


Each of us is born with an internal clock that regulates sleep. The production of the hormone melatonin, which is affected by light, helps our bodies differenti­ate night from day.

Melatonin levels start to rise in the mid to late evening, remain high during the night, and decline in the morning. Production of melatonin gradually drops after the age of 30, which is why we tend to sleep poorly after 30.

Tart cherries are a great source of melatonin. Its juice concentrat­e (£11.99, hollandand­barrett.

com), can reduce insomnia and improve sleep quality. DAIRY: Cow’s milk, which contains melatonin, has long been considered a natural sedative. Research shows you sleep longer, and more soundly if you drink milk or eat some cheese before bedtime.

MAGNESIUM-RICH FOODS: This mineral is known for its calming qualities. Our ability to absorb magnesium diminishes with age, so boost your natural supply with brown rice, couscous, halibut, skimmed milk, oats, pearl barley, spinach and wholewheat flour. Adapted from The Agedefying diet by dr Caroline Apovian (Orion, £12.99). To order at the special price of £10.39 (until August 17), visit mailbooksh­op. or call 0808 272 0808.

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