Scottish Daily Mail

How EU blows £536m on propaganda

- By Jack Doyle Political Correspond­ent

THE European Union spends at least half a billion pounds on publicity and ‘communicat­ions’, a report revealed last night.

The ‘staggering’ figure is the total it spends on promoting both the EU itself and its ‘political priorities’, according to a Euroscepti­c campaign group.

Business For Britain accused the EU of throwing away money on the propaganda. In addition to the £53 million directly set aside for PR purposes, an unspecifie­d share of separate budgets totalling £3.1billion is also available for EU ‘self promotion’, the report claims. This total has increased by 0 per cent in seven years. Business for Britain estimates the UK’s share is £357million.

The campaign group also accused the EU of ‘indoctrina­ting’ children with spending on cartoon strips, games and colouring books that promote the union.

Matthew Elliott, chief executive of Business For Britain, said: ‘With UK taxpayers contributi­ng more and more to the EU budget, it is staggering that the European institutio­ns are throwing away our hard- earned money on propaganda promoting the European project.’

The comic books and colouring books criticised in the report can be requested by schools. Children can learn about the Common Agricultur­al Policy and the free movement rules that allow EU migrants to come to Britain. In one comic, called On The Road To Victory, students take a trip across Europe ‘inspired by the EU budget’.

The report also accused the EU of funding non-government­al organisati­ons that promote ‘ever closer union’ with more than £10million last year.

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