Scottish Daily Mail



THERE are signs that the lure of Islamic State is waning, at least among potential British jihadis. Recruiters are having to offer Western-style incentives to attract them.

Up until now, we all thought that the young Muslim men flocking to Isis (or Izal, as I prefer to call it) were motivated by the opportunit­y to live in a glorious infidel-free caliphate and indulge in a little light beheading.

The romance of desert life and the promise of unlimited sex slaves also helped convince some of these losers to join the jihad.

But there have been complaints about the lack of home comforts and the food, in particular the shortage of Nutella spread in Syria. It has now been revealed that Izal is offering to provide recruits with more salubrious accommodat­ion.

Omar Hussain is the 27-year-old former Morrisons supermarke­t worker from High Wycombe, who was still living with his mum when he left to join Izal — which gives you some idea of the calibre of these holy warriors.

He is now in charge of persuading young British Muslims to follow his example, and bring their families with them.

His most recent internet post guarantees them homes with the l atest domestic appliances, such as washing machines and fridges, smuggled across the border from Turkey. Why would anyone join Izal for a new fridge when they are readily available at branches of Currys all over Britain?

This rather smacks of desperatio­n, and is an admission that Izal may not be the paradise on earth it pretends.

There have been some inspiring recruiting slogans over the years. Your Country Needs You is probably the most famous.

During the Falklands War, Private Eye came up with a spoof front page of the gung-ho Sun newspaper, featuring a competitio­n called: Kill An Argie, Win A Metro. Perhaps that’s where Izal got the idea from.

Kill A Kuffar, Win A Washing Machine.

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