Scottish Daily Mail

Hard-left MP hosted speech by ‘neo-Nazi’


JEREMY Corbyn hosted an event in Parliament addressed by a notorious conspiracy theorist who believes the world is controlled by ‘Jewish elders’, it has emerged.

James Thring, who spoke at the meeting last October, is described by anti-fascist campaigner­s as a ‘neo-Nazi’ and has won praise from the former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

He regularly appears as a ‘special guest’ on Duke’s radio programme and was recently interviewe­d on the topic of ‘the Jewish elders behind the scenes and their possible strategy’.

He has claimed on the radio station that concerns about Iran’s nuclear programme were ‘whipped up by the Israeli high command’ and the ‘Israeli lobby behind the American administra­tion’. The former British architect added: ‘We are being run by a shadowy satanic power behind the scenes.’

Jeremy Corbyn said that he had no prior knowledge that Thring was going to speak, while the audience were waiting for scheduled speaker Max Blumenthal. ‘James Thring was, hitherto, unknown to me,’ he told MailOnline. ‘From what I’ve discovered, he is not someone I would choose to have on a platform. Indeed, he was not selected to be on this particular platform either.’

Blumenthal is also a controvers­ial figure who compares Israel to the Nazis, and invented the hashtag #JSIL, implying that Jewish people are as bad as IS (Isil).

 ??  ?? James Thring: Notorious
James Thring: Notorious
 ??  ?? Jeremy Corbyn: Surprised
Jeremy Corbyn: Surprised

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