Scottish Daily Mail

End queuing ... by serving those at the back first

- Daily Mail Reporter

WHEN it comes to queuing, the objective is simple: get to the front as fast as you can.

But according to scientists, the best way to speed up waiting times would be to serve those at the back first.

They argue that the ‘first come first served’ system leads to longer delays, with people deliberate­ly joining queues early in the hopes of securing tickets or seats.

If those at the back were instead given priority, there would be no incentive to stand in line for hours and so overall waiting times would fall, they say.

And because people could arrive at any time, it would also speed up the queue’s movement.

Researcher­s from the University of Southern Denmark added: ‘A lot of people have the incentive to join the queue early, which means that they stand in line for a long time. Of all the options available to them, this is the worst one.’

They admit the system is not likely to catch on, and is open to abuse from those rejoining the line in the hopes of being seen first.

It might also upset the strict British etiquette of waiting patiently – as we are more than happy to queue for tickets for Wimbledon or the Proms.

But experts say there are situations where the system could be applied to online queues where people join at strategic times. Others say it could help to reduce waiting times at airports.

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