Scottish Daily Mail

I was drugged but bouncers dumped me in the street

Teenager claims staff threw her out after her drink was spiked

- By Xantha Leatham

A WOMAN who says she collapsed after being given a date rape drug in a nightclub claims the bouncers ‘dragged’ her out and left her lying in the street.

Kirsten Bailey was at Opal Lounge in Edinburgh on Tuesday night when she believes someone slipped something into her drink.

The 19-year- old realised that something was wrong when she could no longer move or speak. She claims she was then dragged out of the club and told her she was ‘just drunk’.

Miss Bailey, from Dundee, says she was left for half an hour on the pavement, with doormen calling an ambulance only when she started foaming at the mouth.

Opal Lounge in George Street is one of the city’s most exclusive clubs. It has been visited by Prince William, as well as stars such as Kate Moss and Kiefer Sutherland.

Miss Bailey’s mother, Tricia Thomson, has now written an open letter to the club as Police Scotland investigat­es the allegation­s that she was drugged.

Mrs Thomson said: ‘She was drinking prosecco with her friend and the next she knew she couldn’t move or speak.

‘She knew there was something wrong but she couldn’t communicat­e. Luckily, her friend could tell she wasn’t just drunk.

‘When she finally got to the hospital she was unresponsi­ve for an hour and a half.

‘I got a call at about 3.30am to say that she was coming round. It was horrifying. I wrote the letter because I want the staff to change their attitude.’

Miss Bailey, who works in a call centre, said: ‘It’s disgusting the way the bouncers treated me. I just blacked out and suddenly I woke up in hospital. It was scary.

‘I would never go there again. The bouncers weren’t listening to my friend when they should be there to look after you.’

The letter Mrs Thomson wrote to Opal Lounge has been posted on Facebook where it has been shared thousands of times.

It reads: ‘My 19-year-old daughter was in your club last night and her drink was spiked. As if this wasn’t bad enough, she was treated horrendous­ly by the security staff. Despite the fact that her friend was terribly upset and told them repeatedly that my daughter was not drunk, they took no notice.

‘Instead, they dragged her out by the arms and laid her down on the pavement outside. Even when, at one point, she was foaming at the mouth, they gave no assistance, only derisory remarks. It was well over an hour before the ambulance was finally called. The hospital staff believe she was given a date rape drug.’ Opal Lounge i s owned by Montpelier­s Ltd. A spokesman said: ‘We take allegation­s of this nature extremely seriously and we’ve worked very closely with Police Scotland on the matter.

‘After fully investigat­ing all CCTV footage, the police confirmed our door stewards operated to a caring and profession­al standard towards the woman in question.

‘First aid was administer­ed and an ambulance was called within seven minutes of staff being alerted to the situation.’

A police spokesman said: ‘Police in Edinburgh are investigat­ing following a report of a drink being spiked in a city centre nightclub this week.’

‘She was foaming at the mouth’

 ??  ?? Kirsten Bailey: Fury at ‘disgusting’ treatment
Kirsten Bailey: Fury at ‘disgusting’ treatment
 ??  ?? Exclusive: Opal Lounge club in Edinburgh
Exclusive: Opal Lounge club in Edinburgh

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