Scottish Daily Mail

Men are the REAL oppressed sex today


One minute charlotte Proudman was an unknown 27-year-old barrister finishing a Phd on female genital mutilation and the law. the next she was at the centre of a global media storm, hailed a martyr by the sisterhood and a ‘ Feminazi’ by her many detractors.

all it took to trigger this toxic debate was a brief message, posted by solicitor alexander carter-Silk, in response to an approach Proudman made to him on the profession­al networking site LinkedIn. His crime? to say he thought her picture on the site was ‘stunning’.

She blasted back by posting his comments on twitter for all to see, adding that his comment traduced working women and that ‘sexist’, ‘unacceptab­le and misogynist­ic’ comments such as his subjected them to ritual humiliatio­n, silencing them profession­ally .

What she forgot to mention is that she regularly posts on Facebook comments like ‘oooo lalala!’ and ‘hot stuff ’ about attractive young men.

Such hypocrisy aside, Ms Proudman believes she has given a voice to women in the battle of the sexes and will not be silenced. Well, she certainly does not speak for me — nor for any women I know, young or old.

Her supposed male oppressor has been labelled a sexist dinosaur but, in truth, it is Ms Proudman who is stuck in the ancient past. She is fighting old feminist battles that women of my age fought — and won — decades ago.

If she’s truly concerned about gender inequality in today’s world then she should take a long, hard look at the facts, which suggest that it is men, not MEMBERS of the British Science Associatio­n want to replace the original image they sent into space, inviting aliens to planet Earth, with something more PC. ‘The plaque shows a man raising his hand in a very manly fashion while a woman stands behind him, all meek and submissive,’ said Jill Stuart, an expert in space policy. ‘We really need to rethink that.’ No chance we can send them Charlotte Proudman, I suppose? women, who are struggling in almost every area of life. there are now more young female graduates in law and medicine than male. More women than ever are starting up their own businesses. Girls did better than boys in their most recent exams, and a higher percentage of females are now going to university.

Full-time working women earn more than men until their mid-30s, when they take time off to have children. ( their choice, incidental­ly, not a misogynist conspiracy.)

By contrast, the most under-performing group of people in our society today are boys and young men. they are more likely to be illiterate, to attempt suicide, to take drugs and to be excluded from mainstream education.

But then I suspect Proudman and her fellow militant harpies aren’t interested in equality for men and women, but in female supremacy. I’m only surprised she hasn’t changed her name to charlotte Proud person. P. S. as for alexander carter-Silk’s comments about his own 27-year-old daughter, they were distastefu­l beyond belief. If ever a couple deserved each other’s public humiliatio­n, it’s these two lawyers.

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