Scottish Daily Mail


Make a bright investment by planting your spring bulbs now


NOW is the time to plant bulbs. Garden centres are piled high with tulips, daffodils and spring beauties from tiny scillas to whopping crown imperials. Mail-order suppliers are busy, too, but stocks are running down fast. So if you want a gorgeous spring show, get going.

You can phase planting over much of autumn. Meanwhile, store your bulbs dry, cold and dark. Tiny ones such as snowdrops or muscari can deteriorat­e while out of the ground, so put those in first.

Crocus corms will soon extend fragile shoots, so those should go in early, too. If you break any shoots, pop the damaged corms in anyway. They’ll flower in 2017 and for years thereafter.

You can plant the remainder throughout autumn, but store tulips until mid- November. They’ll grow if planted earlier but are at greater risk from tulip fire. And once that disfigurin­g disease is in your soil, it can persist for several years.

Plant bulbs deeply. Large ones need at least 10 cm of soil above their tops, but it’s better to go too deep than leave them too close to the surface.


BULBS are not cheap and don’t flower for long. A tulip gives up to three weeks and daffodils not much more. But they bring colour when it’s sorely needed and if you select early, mid-season and late varieties, there can be colour from January to May.

The best bulbs increase year after year. And unlike most plants, they have the good manners to disappear soon after flowering and won’t be seen again until the following year’s bigger, brighter show.

When browsing catalogues or admiring garden centre displays, the optimistic pictures make everything look gorgeous. It’s easy to over-buy — so keep both feet on the ground by having a planting plan. Or at least, have a rough idea of what bulbs you want to grow and where.

Tulips, hyacinths and fancy Narcissi are great for bedding, perhaps with wallflower­s or forget-me-nots. They’re brilliant for spring containers, too.

And i f you grow tulips or Narcissi in pots, you can plant them at two levels for extra impact. A pot with a rim diameter of 25 cm, for example, could hold as many as 25 bulbs.

To achieve that, half fill the container with potting compost and place the first bulbs — sharp end uppermost — no more than 3 cm apart. Add enough compost to bury them and plant the second layer similarly spaced before topping with compost. Shoots from the lower bulbs will weave their way through and all will flower together.


DAFFODILS and Narcissi naturalise well among shrubs, in rough grass or among developing perennials. Their dying foliage is ugly but won’t be noticed if surroundin­g vegetation grows up to hide it.

Little bulbs including scillas and crocuses can make a huge impact. What they lack in size they make up in numbers, so plant them where they’ll spread to create carpets of colour. Winter bulbs pack an even bigger punch because they bloom when there’s little else to see. Plant as many as you can — then buy more.

I like to dot groups of little bulbs wherever there’s space. Blue chionodoxa­s colonise our gravel drive; crocuses and snowdrops pop up in the most surprising places. It’s amazing what joy such jolly little flowers can give, especially in February.

When you buy bulbs, always check their soundness. They should be plump and firm with dry, flaky skins. Modern packs with big illustrati­on cards can conceal their contents, so give each one a gentle squeeze to check for firmness.

 ??  ?? Petal power: Tulips are ideal bedding plants and give a dazzling if short-lived display
Petal power: Tulips are ideal bedding plants and give a dazzling if short-lived display
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