Scottish Daily Mail



East opens 1 ♣ and South overcalls 1 ♥ . What action do you take on the West hand? YESTERDAY, our focus was on the south hand, when I advised against bidding just because there are 13HCPs. Today, we see why.

south ought to suffer a penalty of at least 500, if the defence take their chance. However, West’s action will depend on whether he is playing penalty or ‘negative’ doubles; if it is the latter, he will have to pass, and wait for east to re-open with a double; this should be mandatory for east, unless he has no defensive tricks, but unfortunat­ely too many would bid 1 ♠ instead, and let south off the hook.

There are many good low-level penalties available, and the player sitting over the interventi­on is best placed to judge the most effective action. as with most bidding situations, sound judgment is needed to make the best choice. On the above hands, the penalty is likely to produce a better score, because e-W should not be able to make game. But if south was non-vulnerable and West was stronger, i.e. another ace or king, then you need to decide whether you can defeat 1 ♥ by four tricks, otherwise you score better by making a vulnerable game.

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