Scottish Daily Mail

WPC in Sheku arrest may never work again

- By Jessica McKay

A POLICE officer injured during the arrest of Sheku Bayoh, who died in custody, may never return to work, it has been claimed.

Nicole Short, 29, may never be able to return to duty after she was left with facial palsy and posttrauma­tic stress disorder following the struggle.

PC Short, of Glenrothes, Fife, is said to have been attacked while trying to arrest father-of-two Mr Bayoh, and feared she would die.

A source said: ‘Nicole suffered swelling to the brain following the attack. She has since suffered severe headaches and facial palsy.

‘She also has damaged knees and joints. It was a horrific experience and she has severe post-traumatic stress. She is seeing a range of medical specialist­s including neurologis­ts.’

The source added: ‘It’s hard to see her ever returning to work. She is struggling to even take her dog out for a walk.’

Mr Bayoh, 31, died in Kirkcaldy, Fife, on May 3. He was confronted by several officers – including 5ft 1in PC Short – after members of the public called police to report a man wielding a knife and acting erraticall­y.

It is alleged police used CS spray, pepper spray, batons and wrist and ankle restraints. Mr Bayoh was pronounced dead two hours later.

After Mr Bayoh’s death a Police Federation spokesman claimed: ‘A petite female police officer responding to a call of a man brandishin­g a knife was subject to a violent, unprovoked attack by a large male. The officer believed she was going to die as a result.’

No weapon was found on Mr Bayoh but officers discovered one near the spot where he was arrested.

A post-mortem examinatio­n report showed he had nearly 30 injuries on his head, chest, lower legs and left arm.

An independen­t inquiry into his death has been launched by the Police Investigat­ions and Review Commission­er (PIRC).

Mr Bayoh’s family have since criticised the probe as ‘fundamenta­lly flawed’ and said they have lost all confidence in the inquiry. The family, including partner Collette Bell, 27, launched the Justice for Sheku Bayoh campaign calling for answers over his death.

Following Mr Bayoh’s death, it emerged he may have been hurt in a brawl with his friend, 31-year-old Zahid Saeed, father of murdered boy Mikaeel Kular – before officers arrived.

Forensics expert Dr Steven Karch, who examined Sheku’s body, has claimed there was evidence he had heart disease. It is believed Mr Bayoh’s alleged use of steroids may have triggered a coronary condition.

Initial findings also suggest he took a legal high and Ecstasy the night before he died.

PIRC said it is investigat­ing ‘all relevant lines of inquiry’.

 ??  ?? Inquiry: Sheku Bayoh with partner Collette Bell
Inquiry: Sheku Bayoh with partner Collette Bell

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