Scottish Daily Mail



IT’S DAY 5 OF 2016 AS Well as our five senses, the elizabetha­ns believed we had 5 wits: common sense, i magination, estimation or j udgment, fantasy and memory. They were derived from Aristotle’s writings and Shakespear­e featured them in plays including Romeo And Juliet and King lear. BEFORE he adopted the nom de plume George orwell and wrote Nineteen eightyfour on Jura, a young eric Blair spent 5 years in Burma as an officer in the Indian Imperial Police. He quit in 1927 to become a writer after suffering a bout of dengue fever.

THERE ARE 361 DAYS LEFT A STACK of one million U.S. one-dollar bills is 361 ft high — nearly as tall as St Paul’s Cathedral — and weighs exactly a ton. TWIN explosions at oaks Colliery, near Barnsley, killed 361 men and boys, some as young as ten, in 1866. The first explosion killed 334 miners; the second killed 27 rescuers. It remains england’s worst mining disaster. THE Timur ruby, a 361-carat gemstone presented to Queen Victoria in 1851 by the east India Company, has been part of the Crown Jewels since 1853, when it was used to make a necklace. FRANZ SCHMIDT, the executione­r of Nuremberg, carried out 361 state - sanctioned killings during his time in office between 1573 and 1617, detailing each in a diary. His methods for putting prisoners to death included hanging, beheading, burning, drowning and the breaking wheel.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIANE KEATON, 70 (right). The oscar-winning star of Annie Hall has never married, but among her exes are Al Pacino, Warren Beatty, Woody Allen and Jack Nicholson — the last of whom she said in her autobiogra­phy was ‘born to seduce’. BRADLEY COOPER, 41. The Hollywood A-lister put on 40lb of muscle in ten weeks to play a U.S. Navy Seal in American Sniper. He began the first of two daily training sessions at 5am and ate 5,000 calories a day to bulk up.

BORN ON THIS DAY KING CAMP GILLETTE (1855-1932). The f ounder of the Gillette Safety Razor Company sold just 219 razors and blades in the first year of production in 1903, but nearly 215,000 just a year later. DOROTHY ELIZABETH LEVITT (18821922). As Britain’s first woman racing driver, in 1909 she advised female drivers to use a hand mirror to see the road behind them — thus inventing the rear-view mirror — and also carry a handgun if they were travelling alone.

ON JANUARY 5... IN 1956, Prince Rainier of Monaco announced his engagement to film star Grace Kelly (right) — the same day she topped the U.S. Best-Dressed list. IN 1987, genetic fingerprin­ting was first used to catch a murderer, Colin Pitchfork, when police asked all men in Narborough, leicesters­hire, to take DNA tests after the murders of two 15-year-old girls. IN 1993, the oil tanker MV Braer ran aground off Shetland and began leaking 85,000 tons of crude oil. IN 1994, a Premium Bond-holder from Surrey became the f i rst winner of a £1 million prize picked at random by ERNIE (electronic Random Number Indicator equipment). A civil servant trained in first aid was given the job of breaking the news.

QUOTE FOR TODAY A DIPLOMAT is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday, but never remembers her age.

American poet Robert Frost, 1874-1963

JOKE OF THE DAY WHY was the maths-loving farmer confused? He was told there were 493 cows in a field, but when he rounded them up, there were 500.

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