Scottish Daily Mail

Kyrgyzstan to kick out horse sausage joker


A SCOT who faced five years jail in Kyrgyzstan for comparing the national dish to a horse’s penis is to be deported, it was confirmed last night.

Michael Mcfeat, 39, was arrested in the land locked Central Asian country after posting the comment about the ‘chuchuk’ horsemeat sausage on Facebook.

His parents, John and Marilyn, said yesterday he had simply been praising the chef for an excellent New Year meal.

John Mcfeat, 63, said he had learned that his son was to be ejected from Kyrgyzstan after ‘wrong documentat­ion’ came to light during the police investigat­ion.

However, officers ruled Michael Mcfeat had not been inciting ethnic violence through his comments.

His father, a farmworker, said he did not know when his only son would return to the UK – but he said he and his wife, together with his daughter-in-law Amanda, 40, were ‘hugely relieved’.

He added: ‘He loved working over there and he really loved the people, it was just that silly statement. There was no malice in what he put. They obviously wouldn’t have discovered the wrong papers if it hadn’t been for all this, but at least he’s safe.’

Michael Mcfeat lives in Abernethy, Perthshire, with his book-keeper wife and their two children, a girl of eight and a boy of five. He worked as a supervisor welder at a gold mine for Toronto-based Centerra Gold in Kyrgyzstan.

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