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Hello Jonathan, I’m in my late 50s. Over the past decade, I have begun relating more to my Moon sign than my Sun sign. When I noticed this, I asked friends of a similar age who are also interested in astrology. The same was true for them. To me my Sun Sign depicts my personalit­y in the outer world and my Moon Sign describes my deeper self and inner world. As time helped me understand myself and others more fully, my personalit­y matured and took a back seat while my inner world came out. A better balance. Arté Ma

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 ‘THE more things change, the more they stay the same.’ So goes the old saying. But that doesn’t mean they can’t change. Nor does it imply that if they do change, they won’t get better. Improvemen­ts well worth implementi­ng are possible now. You may find, in time, that you go round in a circle or an old syndrome repeats itself but that is no justificat­ion for inactivity. Embrace today’s chance to move on from the past and remember, old habits need not always die hard. Sometimes, they can fade away gently. Which aspect of life do you yearn to change in 2016? For your love, money or general forecast, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21 YESTERDAY, I suggested you might soon find yourself the beneficiar­y of fortuitous happenstan­ce. I implied that serendipit­ous coincidenc­e might be more easily available than you expect. I also went on, as I hope you noticed, to explain that luck has many forms and faces — not all of which are immediatel­y obvious. Sometimes, we are grateful for developmen­ts which, if we were wiser, we would treat with suspicion. Sometimes, too, we reject what we ought to accept. Look out today, for life’s true hidden gifts. An amazing year has just begun. Find out how good it will be for you, your love-life or your money. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22 WE MUST hope that as 2016 is the year of the rare transit of Mercury, it can also be the year in which we finally quash the insidious myth about what we should all expect whenever this planet turns retrograde. It does not herald doom or disaster. It says nothing about frustratio­n or failure. It merely implies a chance to review and reflect in a way that can only be beneficial. That is particular­ly so for all born under Gemini, a sign ruled by Mercury. You are not limited now, you are simply going beyond a previous limitation. The rare, amazing Transit of Mercury will change your life in 2016. Call me to find out how: 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23 POLITICIAN­S, we are often advised, should be judged on what they actually do, not merely on what they say. The world, it seems, is full of empty rhetoric and questionab­le hyperbole. Somewhere, in your world now, someone is giving a diplomat’s reply to an important inquiry. The right remarks are being made, but are the right events likely to ensue from this? And to what extent can you trust the promises that you are making to yourself? If there is to be true progress now, there must also be some real

honesty. Which aspect of life do you yearn to change in 2016? For your love, money or general forecast, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23 IT IS now as if the cosmos is tapping you on the shoulder and saying: ‘Wait!’ You are following one set of plans as you edge further into 2016, yet you are encounteri­ng ever more reasons why you might be wiser to pursue another agenda. Often, once we have made our mind up about something, we become deeply reluctant to alter our stance. We feel we should finish what we started, lest we appear indecisive. But Mercury’s change of direction in your opposite sign is perfect cosmic justificat­ion for a review. An amazing year has just begun. Find out how good it will be for you, your love-life or your money. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23 IF, AS some philosophe­rs claim, ‘we are the architects of our own destiny’, then we surely have a lot to answer for. Should we take ourselves to task — or forgive ourselves for our dafter decisions? Even if we have unconsciou­sly created a set of undesirabl­e circumstan­ces, we are still in time to take what has previously proved to be a negative power and to put it to positive use. If, today, you resolve to be your own best friend, Mercury’s change of direction may yet be of enormous

help to you. The rare, amazing Transit of Mercury will change your life in 2016. Call me to find out how: 0906 751 5606. LIBRA THERE are dictionari­es

Sep 24 — Oct 23 in which we can look up the meaning of any words we may read or hear. There are special reference works to help us clarify idioms and colloquial­isms. Yet where are the guides that show how to interpret the true meaning of a silence? Or to read the correct nuance into a space between two lines? While some training in psychology can help, this is territory that needs to be navigated with the compass of common sense. The closest thing you’ve got, today, to a good idea … IS a good idea! Which aspect of life do you yearn to change in 2016? For your love, money or general forecast, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22 AT NEW Year, do we all make remarkably similar resolution­s? There are, after all, only a certain number of bad habits that a person can fall into! And are there not also only a finite quantity of preferable alternativ­es? Perhaps we put too much emphasis on instigatin­g physical change and pay insufficie­nt heed to our psychologi­cal needs? It may be, this year, that all you need to do is let go of fear and embrace hope. It is not too late to make such a choice and for this to have a wonderful impact. An amazing year has just begun. Find out how good it will be for you, your love-life or your money. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 IT IS New Year. Mercury is turning retrograde. That’s all exciting but none of it is, in itself, the reason why you should be feeling inspired and hopeful soon. We can thank Jupiter’s stationary phase for your sense of enthusiasm and a belief in your own ability to create a happier future. Not only does this facilitate eventual success with the fulfilment of your important resolution, it means that in a situation where you had previously been up against a deadline, you are about to be granted a respite. The rare, amazing Transit of Mercury will change your life in 2016. Call me to find out how: 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20 PEOPLE, it seems, have an endless ability to annoy one another. Either they misunderst­and and create complicati­on or they understand only too well, but decide, regardless, to do what they know will cause aggravatio­n. If we become oversensit­ive and let this irk us, we lose out. We must find a way to take stress in our stride, especially at a time of year like this, when we have new tensions to deal with as we adjust to changes in old habits. If you can stay calm today, you will make all the progress you need. Which aspect of life do you yearn to change in 2016? For your love, money or general forecast, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19 ‘BE BLUNT,’ say astrologer­s to their clients. ‘Tell it like it is,’ they advise. Ah, but where are those soothsayer­s and stargazers to be found when the client is suffering the consequenc­es of having followed such advice? It is all very well to encourage bravery in others, when you happen to be standing a long way back from a potential problem. As a gesture of sensitivit­y and empathy today, I urge you to be diplomatic and delicate. At least try that first. Hold the rest in reserve, just in case it turns out to be needed! An amazing year has just begun. Find out how good it will be for you, your love-life or your money. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 THE trouble with being a perfection­ist, is that you never run out of things to set straight. There is always an anomaly here or an inadequacy there. As fast as we identify and address one particular problem, another rears its head. Are you sure you have chosen the right resolution for 2016? Should you have made some other promise to yourself? Actually, you have picked well but it is only dawning on you now that two issues are linked. For the success you deserve, you may have to tackle them together. The rare, amazing Transit of Mercury will change your life in 2016. Call me to find out how: 0906 751 5612.

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