Scottish Daily Mail

Are mature women ‘dates from hell’?


THOSE respectabl­e men who had only ‘dates from hell’ with mature females (Mail) should move to Norfolk: many females here would love to meet them. Sadly, we have few normal, decent, attractive men from whom to choose. To make up for the misleading descriptio­ns some women post, here is mine: I hate curry, love Italian food, enjoy foreign travel though I can’t afford it as much since I retired, but I’d never go to Butlins. I love ballet and go to many performanc­es. I don’t like The Sound Of Music. I don’t have pets, as I live in an apartment. I have a moderate glass of wine with my meal most nights, and don’t talk about my ‘ex’ because I’ve not had one for a long time. I wouldn’t dream of lying about my age, any pictures I put up are current; I’ve always been slim and still am. Clearly, the women in the areas those men live in aren’t like us here. I know many attractive, pleasant and perfectly normal but lonely females who have joined websites and found no one because the men are either chancers, repulsive or strange, or just want one thing. One thing they don’t want is to meet older women.

JUNE MUSKETT, Norwich. Dating (Mail) cuts both ways. i’ve been on my own since 1989 and every man i’ve ever met is ‘divorced’, but has never been unfaithful to his wife. i must have been unlucky, then, because both men i was married to couldn’t keep it zipped. Don and i saw each other day and night for around a year. He had a female ‘friend’ whom he often saw but swore there was ‘nothing to it’ because he was so in love with me. that was until he confessed to another woman that he was ‘knocking off two birds at once’ and word got back to me. With tom, i went on two dates because i couldn’t believe how bad he was on the first one. He told me a bit about himself, and i fell asleep when he got to the age of ten. On the second date, he carried on from 11. Steve was a sales rep who’d have been happier as a landscape gardener. He gave me the Latin name for every plant known to man. then i went out with a journalist. i don’t drink, but am not anti-drink, though both my hubbies were fond of a drop. He got blotto on our first date and tried to ply me. the last i saw of him he was lying on a seat in the pub, begging me to drive him home. the last date i went on was a joke. We arranged to meet mid-way between our homes, and i was there on time. He didn’t show up, and i was annoyed with him. He said he’d been there. He’d expected me to ask every man in the pub: ‘are you Mike?’

JOY JAMES, Colwick Village, Notts.

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