Scottish Daily Mail


Movements of Mercury dominate the cosmic climate for 2016. We’ve got the rare ‘transit’ across the face of the sun to look forward to in May… bringing revelation­s, discoverie­s and new possibilit­ies to communicat­e better with each other. And we start the y


ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 WE DO our best to interact smoothly with each other, don’t we? We communicat­e and co-operate. We attempt to be reasonable. We strive to be fair. Surely, you must agree? Or are you, perhaps, balking at my use of the collective plural pronoun? ‘You’, I’m sure, are responsibl­e in all your dealings — but the same seemingly can’t be said for the rest of the human race. You are up against the consequenc­es of thoughtles­s behaviour. That’s all the more reason to be thoughtful in your response. Which aspect of life do you yearn to change in 2016? For your love, money or general forecast, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21 ‘LUCK be a lady tonight…’ So sang Frank Sinatra in the song from Guys And Dolls. If we turn a blind eye to the implied sexism in this message, we can hear informatio­n which is useful to us all. If luck is, indeed, an entity with any recognisab­le shape or form, it is surely a fluid, adaptable force. It can alter many of the factors that define its identity. It can don a disguise. It can even dress itself up as the very opposite of what it actually is. Today’s apparent potential misfortune may yet prove tomorrow’s great blessing. An amazing year has just begun. Find out how good it will be for you, your love-life or your money. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22 AROUND this time of year, people start to wrestle with the changes they want to make and the issues that seemingly stand in the way of that. The determinat­ion we felt when we made our New Year’s resolution becomes a sense of frustratio­n as we realise that it is proving trickier to stick to than we had hoped. The planets don’t usually offer much by way of support in January but this year, for you at least, things are different. Mercury’s change of direction is a promise that you, too, can change direction! The rare, amazing Transit of Mercury will change your life in 2016. Call me to find out how: 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23 CAN you fulfil your New Year’s resolution? Can you keep the promise you made to yourself? It is always around this time of year that we wonder about such things. Theory is always more appealing than practice. Yet, if your desire to see progress is sincere and your motive is genuine, why should you expect anything other than success? The worst you may have to do is pace yourself! Remember that a miracle is often just an ordinary event that has somehow happened faster than expected. Which aspect of life do you yearn to change in 2016? For your love, money or general forecast, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23 CERTAINTIE­S, in the modern world, are in short supply. Despite the very best efforts of our finest scientists, rationalis­ts and academic intellectu­als, there are still more questions than answers. Yet we find answers so very reassuring. We prize them, cling to them and treat with immense suspicion the folk who have dared to cast doubt on whatever we once felt able to take for granted. You are now having to review an old idea. Be glad of this. The chance arises just in time to put 2016 back on the right track. An amazing year has just begun. Find out how good it will be for you, your lovelife or your money. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23 WHENEVER the ruler of your sign turns retrograde, the universe invites you to think again about your needs. Are you sure you still require what you once saw as a priority? Might your sense of commitment be better directed towards a different objective? Sometimes, even a subtle change can be sufficient to justify a big adjustment to a plan. Mercury’s change of direction implies that you may now need less of something than you think, because you already have more of something else than you realise. The rare, amazing Transit of Mercury will change your life in 2016. Call me to find out how: 0906 751 5606.

LIBRAE Sep 24 — Oct 23 LOVE is a stronger force than fear. Inspiratio­n is a greater source of motivation than anxiety. When we dwell on what’s negative, we forget a crucial truth. Shadow is cast by light. Instead of looking into the darkness, we should look away from it. Then we might see something more hopeful and helpful. Put aside all issues that arise from a struggle to fulfil some New Year’s resolution. Ask yourself today: am I running away — or running towards — something? The answer will be your key to success. Which aspect of life do you yearn to change in 2016? For your love, money or general forecast, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22 WHAT if for New Year, people were to give up things such as worrying? Much play is made of the tendency that we have to eat unhealthy food or take various toxins into our bodies in the name of ‘leisure’. ‘We are,’ so the great experts insist, ‘shortening our lifespan and endangerin­g our future wellbeing by such actions’. But don’t we do ourselves even more damage when we let our inner negativity get the better of us? Rise above yours today and you will soon start to see a world full of positive potential. An amazing year has just begun. Find out how good it will be for you, your love-life or your money. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 IS Jupiter, your ruler, stationary now? Some of my colleagues, who like to split hairs, might argue that we can’t officially say this till the end of the week. But the hairs that would have to be split to make this case would be crosshairs on the viewfinder of a high-definition telescope. If Jupiter’s zodiac position is moving at all, it is shifting only slightly. That, for you, is a late Christmas bonus and an extra New Year treat. You are being blessed with energy and vision. The rare, amazing Transit of Mercury will change your life in 2016. Call me to find out how: 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20 ARE some of us more important than others? Should we bow and kowtow when particular individual­s address us? Are we safe (and even quite within our rights) to ignore the contributi­on of some other character? As you now weigh up the significan­ce of what someone else is saying, be aware that your own words may also be getting subjected to critical evaluation. Remember too, that people are much more likely to heed what others have to say when they feel the favour is being returned. Which aspect of life do you yearn to change in 2016? For your love, money or general forecast, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19 CAN you finish what you have started? How can you know? You have hardly even started yet? You may have to go further, try harder and put yourself to a greater test before you really discover whether you have the stamina. Don’t let that deter you, allow it to inspire you! Are you not made of stern stuff? Do you not deserve to have faith in yourself? You are at least making an effort. And effort, made in sincerity, never goes unrewarded. An amazing year has just begun. Find out how good it will be for you, your love-life or your money. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 ONE thing leads to another. That’s such a true statement. It applies to so much, in so many ways. Ah, but what does it say about your life today? What unexpected connection are you discoverin­g? How closely aligned are two aspects of your life that you were once inclined to see as separate and distinct? As you now realise just how convoluted and complicate­d certain aspects of your own psychology are, you fear it may be hard to stick to a resolution this year. It may indeed be tricky but it is attainable. Persevere! The rare, amazing Transit of Mercury will change your life in 2016. Call me to find out how: 0906 751 5612.

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