Scottish Daily Mail

Radioactiv­e trail across Europe...

- By Arthur Martin

Following one of the most extensive criminal investigat­ions in British history – and a £2.25million inquiry – the Mail here lays bare a blow-by-blow account of how the state-sponsored assassinat­ion of Alexander Litvinenko unfolded.


Sir Robert Owen believes Andrei Lugovoi may have started plotting when the pair met in London to discuss a ‘business proposal’. By then Mr Litvinenko was being paid £2,000 a month by the MI6 to pass informatio­n about organised gangs linked to senior Kremlin figures.

OCTOBER 16, 2006

Mr Litvinenko travels by bus to an office in Mayfair for a meeting in the boardroom of security firm Erinys. He meets consultant Tim Reilly, along with Russians Lugovoi and Dmitry Kovtun, who had flown to London that morning on a from Moscow. They are carrying a vial of polonium-210 from a Russian nuclear reactor. They attempt to kill Litvinenko by spraying a small amount of polonium-210 into his cup. Sir Robert concluded that Lugovoi and Kovtun ‘knew they were using a deadly poison’ and intended to kill Litvinenko, but did not know precisely what the poison was.

The assassinat­ion f ai l s as Litvinenko does not take a sip. A month later the green baize tablecloth is still be contaminat­ed with radiation. After the meeting they go for lunch at Itsu in Piccadilly, which is contaminat­ed.


The assassins move to the Parkes Hotel in Knightsbri­dge, which they also contaminat­e. Once again they meet Mr Litvinenko, but do not try to poison him.


Lugovoi and Kovtun fly back to Moscow from Gatwick, contaminat­ing the plane with radiation.


Mr Litvinenko makes a speech publicly blaming Vladimir Putin for the murder of a Russian journalist.


After an almost certain rebuke, Lugovoi returns to London, contaminat­ing the aircraft.


He meets a contact called Badri Patarkatsi­shvili, a wealthy Georgian, and contaminat­es his car. He is visited by Mr Litvinenko at his hotel, the Sheraton Park Lane, where radiation is also later found. They met the following day before he returned to Moscow on a BA flight.


Kovtun flies from Moscow to Hamburg, where he visits his ex-wife. Traces of radiation are later found in her flat as well as locations including his mother-in-law’s home.


Lugovoi arrives in London with his family on a BA plane that also tests positive for polonium. They were ostensibly visiting to watch CSKA Moscow football club play at Arsenal’s ground.


Kovtun arrives in London, meets Lugovoi and they start planning their assassinat­ion attempt by luring Mr Litvinenko to central London. Lugovoi calls Mr Litvinenko

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