Scottish Daily Mail

Why migraines get worse for women as they hit menopause

- By Ben Spencer Medical Correspond­ent

WOMEN have suspected it for years and now scientists have proved it – migraines do get worse as they approach the menopause.

Changes in hormone levels seem to be the cause of repeated headaches for some women, say US experts.

Research author Professor Vincent Martin said: ‘Women have been telling doctors that their migraine headaches worsen around menopause and now we have proof they were right.’

Simple t r eatments which adjust hormone levels – such as oral contracept­ives – could cure the pain.

The team at the University of Cincinnati tracked 3,664 women prone to migraines, before and during their menopausal years.

For women with experience of migraines, the risk of serious headaches striking at least ten days a month i ncreased by 60 per cent as the menopause approached.

The findings, in Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, suggest low levels of oestrogen and progestero­ne are the most likely cause. Overuse of painkiller­s may also be to blame.

The menopause, which com- monly comes in the late 40s and early 50s, can cause depression, hot flushes and night sweats.

Long term, it can also lead to bone disease and memory loss.

Co-author Professor Richard Lipton, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, said: ‘Changes in female hormones such as oestrogen and progestero­ne that occur during the perimenopa­use [the months before the menopause] might trigger i ncreased headaches during this time.’

Professor Martin added: ‘Women as they get older develop lots of aches and pains, joint and back pain, and it is possible their overuse of pain medication­s for headaches and other conditions might actually drive an increase in headaches for the menopause group.’

An estimated 1.9million women in Britain are going through the menopause at any one time, with around 80 per cent thought to experience symptoms, which typically last for about four years. They can drag on for as long as 12 years for one in ten.

Research author Dr Jelena Pavlovic said: ‘If the patient is in early perimenopa­use, you can give birth control pills that level things out. If they are in the late perimenopa­use and they start skipping periods, they can be put on oestrogen patches.’

NICE, the NHS England health guidance watchdog, last autumn advised that far more women should be offered hormone replacemen­t therapy (HRT), despite concerns that it increases the risk of cancer.

Experts said HRT worries people, with some GPs unwilling to discuss it and patients afraid to bring it up. At least one in four British women who avoid it do so because of health concerns, according to polls.

According to Cancer Research UK, for every 1,000 women using any type of HRT for five years from age 50, there is one extra case of ovarian cancer.

For every 1,000 women using oestrogen- only HRT over the same time, an estimated 1.5 extra cases of breast cancer occur, with six extra cases of breast cancer per 1,000 women taking the combinatio­n oestrogen-progestoge­n HRT.

‘Women develop lots of pains’

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