Scottish Daily Mail

Baftas’ baffling survey to avoid discrimina­tion


THe folk at the british Academy of Film and Television Arts (bAFTA) have now gone into a Code black situation. And you know what t hat means, right?

They’ve watched as their U.S. counterpar­ts at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have descended into full-blown crisis mode because there are no black thespians in any of the acting categories at the oscars — for the second year running — and various folks, from Spike Lee to Will Smith, have declared they will not attend the ceremony as a result.

So, on Wednesday, bAFTA’s membership department sent an online survey to examine ‘Members Diversity’ (sic).

‘by completing the survey you will help to give us a more detailed insight into the current composi- tion of our membership, which will allow us to continue to represent the diverse range of creatives working in film, TV and games.’

Questions included stuff about age, gender, religion and sexual orientatio­n, as well as the big one: ‘What is your ethnic group?’ For which there were 20 possible answers including White — irish; White — Gypsy or irish Traveller; White — Any other White background; and the always useful Prefer Not To Say.

one friend told me that he was only sorry there wasn’t an ‘all of the above’ box.

‘i was quite cross. it was like a knee- j erk reaction,’ another long-time voting bAFTA member commented. My advice, for what it’s worth? Just make better and more inclusive movies — but no ethnic puddings, please!

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