Scottish Daily Mail

Enforcers who betray trust in the Square Mile

- By ALEX BRUMMER City Editor

Large parts of Britain’s financial regulation are still bust despite post-crisis reforms. The enforcer of better audit and governance, the Financial reporting Council (FrC), is so sclerotic that most of the firms and people that it probes have retired or expired by the time it delivers a verdict.

and the Financial Conduct authority is in danger of becoming FSa squared with its supine response to Whitehall cajoling and an obsession with internal leak inquiries.

We must, of course, take the FrC at its word when it says there is no U-turn over probing the role of KPMg in the collapse of HBOS. Surely, if it had exercised the right amount of willpower it could have tackled KPMg and HBOS earlier.

everything the FrC needed to probe these events which happened eight years ago could have been accessed if it had worked harder. You don’t have to understand stochastic modelling to make a connection between the failure of the bank and the potential weakness of the auditing.

even now the FrC is pussyfooti­ng. It says that its executive Counsel will have to report findings to a conduct committee before a formal probe is launched. This is financial justice at its most sluggish and a betrayal of HBOS and Lloyds shareholde­rs as well as the taxpayer. It smacks of an organisati­on busy burying itself in process rather than restoring trust in audits.

Similarly the enforcers at the FCa and the Department of Business need to get their teeth into the ten HBOS executives named, but not particular­ly shamed, in the official report. So far this group, including f ormer chief executives James Crosby and andy Hornby, has managed to circumvent responsibi­lity for almost a decade. Sickeningl­y, it has been possible for a number of them to acquire wealth in new jobs.

Failure to impose proper discipline is the main reason why the financial system is still distrusted.

Bank repairs

AS far as some banks are concerned the last financial crisis is still haunting balance sheets amid concerns that another catastroph­e could be on the way. Barclays’ new boss Jes Staley is engaged in a global retreat as he seeks to get a grip on costs. His problems are nothing compared to those of the British chief executive of Deutsche Bank John Cryan who has signalled a record loss of £5.1bn for 2015.

To europe’s south the sixth largest lender in Spain Banco Popular is seeking to raise £6.1bn through assets sales to bolster a sagging capital. It is worse in Italy with Prime Minister Matteo renzin promising the system is solid even as Monte dei Paschi di Siena sinks beneath a wave of selling. a pledge by european Central Bank chief Mario Draghi to keep interest rates low and ease further in early March if things fail to improve assists.

That could be too late.

Back to school

NOW that the sexy stuff of selling the FT and economist stakes is behind him Pearson chief executive John Fallon is tackling more mundane issues. He cannot do much about the cyclical stuff such as flattish college enrolments in the US and changes in BTEC exams in the UK. So he is tackling cost.

Pearson’s transforma­tion into an education company was achieved by acquisitio­n and this means there are 56 management systems feeding into head office.

Streamlini­ng both the way the company operates and the way it delivers services by jettisonin­g 10pc of the workforce and saving £350m is the route Fallon is choosing. To keep investors engaged, until the transforma­tion is delivered in 2017, there is a promise to hold dividends steady. Pearson is one of those companies where the legacy of a highprofil­e chief executive, Dame Marjori e Scardino, has l ooked l ess i mpressive when the veneer is scraped away. The market is giving Fallon the benefit of the doubt, with a near-15pc lift in the share price.

But he hasn’t got tenure yet.

High society

AMONG the great adornments high up in the alps at Davos are the four living British Prime Ministers.

There is David Cameron, guest of the taxpayer; gordon Brown, a UN ambassador for education and recently an adviser to hedge fund Pimco; Tony Blair, sometime adviser to anti-Brexit JP Morgan, and John Major, who advises Credit Suisse.

Nice work if you can get it.

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