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Hi Jonathan, Back in college, I took a statistics class. We were asked to design a survey to test a hypothesis. I designed a test to see if astrologic­al forecasts had statistica­l validity. Unfortunat­ely, my work group didn’t see astrology as having any validity to begin with and were more interested in how people could be fooled by fake horoscopes. I’ve often wondered if something more useful could have been proven with a more open-minded group. Steve Hi Steve, Too often, there’s a refusal to look properly when people convince themselves that there will be nothing to see!

ARIES Mar21—Apr20 PESSIMISTS prefer to be referred to as ‘realists’. When they decide that something can’t happen they like to feel that they are being sensible, not miserable. But when we write something off, we effectivel­y construct a barrier. Should good fortune happen to be strolling down the road, just looking for a place to work a little bit of spontaneou­s coincident­al magic, it will only see the barrier, not the way in which it can come to help, so it will move on by. Don’t take down your ‘Help Wanted’ sign too quickly this week. Have you heard your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts yet? There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS Apr21—May21 THERE was once a frog who lived in a well. She had been there since she was a tadpole. One day, she looked up and saw another frog calling down to her from a circle of light high above. ‘What are you doing down there,’ called the new frog, ‘it is so dark and dingy?’ ‘Hey!’ said the first frog, ‘don’t be so rude. This is my home!’ The new arrival said: ‘I can show you somewhere, so much better and brighter.’ If you can’t already deduce what this story has to do with your life this week, I’ll tell you more

tomorrow. Have you heard your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts yet? There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5602. GEMINI MERCURY’S

May 22 — June 22 retrograde phase comes to an end this week, suggesting that you are about to arrive at a personal turning-point. Things are no longer as they were. You have been seeking change, striving to accomplish it and stretching your imaginatio­n in an effort to see how best this can be done. Already, you have seen some progress. Now, you start to see more, and you also start to see how you can turn what has so far been only a small potential advantage into something more significan­t and tangible. Have you heard your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts yet? There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5603. CANCER June23—July23 MANY industries rely on our propensity to worry. Some sell insurance. ‘If this happens,’ they say, ‘we will then give you that.’ Will their promised response actually make us feel OK? Well, that’s debatable. So too, are the claims of those who want to help us address our concerns that we are eating the wrong food, wearing the wrong clothes, driving the wrong cars. How kind of them to offer to fix that in return for lots of money. In such ways, our anxiety is encouraged. But you need not fear anything

this week. Have you heard your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts yet? There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5604. LEO July24—Aug23 WHEN sales people want to stimulate a market and ensure a successful transactio­n, they try to create a sense of scarcity. They want to convey, to all interested potential purchasers, the idea that offerings like this are in short supply, others are expressing plenty of interest and the only safe thing to do, under such circumstan­ces, is seal the deal before it gets too late. Confidence is contagious, yet doubt can be self-replicatin­g too. Success, for you, this week, is all about selling yourself smartly! Have you heard your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts yet? There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO Aug24—Sep23 LIFE, it often seems, is like one of those puzzles where you have to shuffle tiles around a board, one at a time. To move whatever is in the top left down to the bottom right requires a complicate­d set of manoeuvres. Various other tiles must be temporaril­y shifted to allow for the change, then returned to their previous positions. It’s all a bit like a Rubik’s Cube. Tricky. Trickier still if emotions are involved. This week, you merely need to apply logic to a situation. Stay calm, think clearly and you will do well. Have you heard your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts yet? There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA Sep24—Oct23 IT IS not too late to make a success of your New Year’s resolution. If, so far, you have managed to stick to them, you will be able to continue this week. And if some of your hopes and dreams for 2016 are already sources of exasperati­on rather than inspiratio­n, cheer up! You will soon start to see what has been making a particular process difficult. Just by doing a few things differentl­y, you can get around that obstacle. As you might expect after hearing such news, your overall outlook now is highly helpful. Have you heard your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts yet? There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO Oct24—Nov22 ARE you going

Oct24—Nov22 round in circles? Are you almost, but not quite, back where you started from with little to show for it? It is easy to jump to such a conclusion when events appear to take a repetitive turn and we happen to be feeling disconsola­te. But we may be painting a far too pessimisti­c picture when we do that. Everything in life has a cycle, and a cycle often brings up familiar experience­s. There is a big difference between where you were once and where you are now. You will yet gain greatly from that. Have you heard your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts yet? There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S Nov23—Dec21 ONCE in a while, no matter how diligent we are, we get ourselves into tricky situations. Now, don’t worry, I’m not predicting anything like that. Rather, I want to talk about a situation that you got into a while ago. A problem nearly beat you. Whether you fell into the hole or dug it yourself is irrelevant. What matters is that you now have a ladder with which you can climb out. That ladder may extend much further than you expect, leading, this week, to a surprising­ly elevated perspectiv­e. Have you heard your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts yet? There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec22—Jan20 I’M NOT sure if I should give you your forecast today. I’m concerned lest you read more into it than you should. What if I say something innocuous and this gives rise to unnecessar­y worry? Are you to be trusted with the week’s most relevant astrologic­al informatio­n? There! You see? You just bristled, didn’t you? You are thinking, ‘If he isn’t so sure of me. Perhaps I should not be so sure of him.’ That says it all. This week, if you seek success, extend trust wherever you might most like to be shown it! Have you heard your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts yet? There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan21—Feb19 YOU can’t help but think to yourself, ‘Why am I in this situation? How have I ended up here? Shouldn’t I strive for change if I am to attain the better future I dream of?’ The questions run through your mind but the answers, if they come at all, conflict with one another. You are trying to puzzle out your best options yet you don’t feel at all sure that you can see these all clearly. Events this week, helped partly by the alignment of visible planets in the pre-dawn sky, will slowly show you how a circle can be squared. Have you heard your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts yet? There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb20—Mar20 YOU wouldn’t want me, today, to talk in too much detail about mistakes you have made in the past and embarrassi­ng situations you have got into. You would feel irked to read too much reference to all that in such a public place. You would want me to be more discreet and sympatheti­c. So let us both push to one side all the aspects of the past that it might be more comfortabl­e to forget and greet this new week with the enthusiasm it deserves. The future is not just an open book, it makes for a good read! Have you heard your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts yet? There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5612.

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