Scottish Daily Mail

Mother who lost five babies hails landmark ruling


WHEN Emma Benjamin suffered five miscarriag­es in the space of a few years she was left heartbroke­n.

The strain sucked all the joy out of pregnancy, and with doctors unable to work out what was going wrong, she blamed herself.

Mrs Benjamin, 34, from Hertfordsh­ire, lost four of her babies in a single year, and hopes that the British research will spare other women from enduring the same distress.

Her first child Daniel, who is now six, was born after a problem-free pregnancy, and when he was nine months old Mrs Benjamin began to try for a second child.

She quickly became pregnant but miscarried at just six weeks. Three more miscarriag­es followed. Mrs Benjamin, a chartered accountant, said: ‘I was destroyed and I blamed myself.

‘I must have done something wrong. Heartbroke­n but also angry, I was desperate to get some answers.

‘I had lots of tests but I never found out why. It got to the point that when I did a positive pregnancy test, there was no excitement. There was no joy in it.’

After her fourth miscarriag­e, Mrs Benjamin, whose husband Saul is a 35-year- old hedge fund manager, went for treatment at a private fertility clinic.

She became pregnant again and her second son Olly was born four years ago. Another miscarriag­e followed before she had her third child, Amelia, who is now 20 months old.

Mrs Benjamin told the BBC: ‘I found it frustratin­g that I never had the answers as to why I kept miscarryin­g.

‘If this research had come earlier and could have helped provide answers, I guess it could maybe have saved a lot of heartache.’

She added: ‘If it can help other women from going through what I went through, then it will be amazing.’

 ??  ?? Heartbreak: Emma Benjamin had four of her five miscarriag­es in only one year
Heartbreak: Emma Benjamin had four of her five miscarriag­es in only one year

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