Scottish Daily Mail

A right old ding-dong can make your marriage STRONGER

AN IN-DEPTH survey of 5,000 people has found the secrets of how to make love really last. In the first part of this special series, we revealed that sex isn’t essential to a loving relationsh­ip. Today, we explain why bickering isn’t all bad...

- By Dr Meg John Barker and Prof Jacqui Gabb

PICTURE this scenario. It’s late, and you and your partner have had a disagreeme­nt. You are both angry and neither of you is budging. So what are you most likely to do? Are you the kind of person who can’t bear to go to bed on an argument and insists on trying to sort everything out there and then? Or are you more likely to leave things unresolved, preferring to take a few days to think things through before returning to the fray?

If you’re in a relationsh­ip, you’re almost bound to have found yourself in this sort of situation at one time or another. Conflict is an inevitable part of life for even the happiest of couples — as became clear when we carried out a survey of 5,000 people in long-term relationsh­ips to find the secrets of enduring love.

These were all people who have managed to stay the course, but when we asked what they liked least about life with their other half, the top two answers were ‘ poor communicat­ion’ and ‘arguments’.

Contrary to what you might have thought, there really is no such t hing as t he ‘ perfect relationsh­ip’ which is always argument-free.

There is no way you’ll agree on everything, and the trick is to realise that conflict i s not necessaril­y a bad thing.

Arguments can lead to greater understand­ing between the two of you. They can even, depending on how they play out, bring about greater intimacy.

For example, it can feel unbearable to be seen at your worst by a partner during a row. But, equally, i t can be amazing to reach that breaking point and to know that they still love and accept you afterwards.

Another kind of conflict that can be positive is bickering. While some people see petty arguments as a ‘bad sign’ in a relationsh­ip, or find it irritating, others enjoy back-and-forth banter — and even feel that they get closer to each other through letting off steam like this.


One key to heading off disputes is understand­ing difference­s in when, where and how we like to communicat­e with each other.

Imagine that you’re a ‘morning person’, while your partner can’t face the world until they’ve had a coffee.

You can see that a conversati­on about whose turn it is to put out the bins could have a very different outcome depending on whether you approach them before or after that first coffee.

each of us has our own personal ideas about how we like to communicat­e. In part, this is down to our upbringing.

You might have grown up in a family in which you show that you’re interested in what others have to say by talking over each other, while your partner may have learned that you show that same sort of interest by patiently waiting your turn.

non-verbal communicat­ion and silences are often equally precious, capable of saying more than words could ever hope to articulate.

But they, too, can have many different meanings, again dependent partly on your background.

Your answers to the following questions will help you pinpoint your own attitudes towards this. They may be unexpected­ly revealing:


1 Do you always like to have the radio or television on? Yes/No

2 If you’re with another person does being quiet make you feel uncomforta­ble? Yes/No

3 Would you say that you need at least 30 minutes alone each day? Yes/No

4 Do you enjoy silence and find it relaxing? Yes/No

5 Are there several people in your life with whom you can happily sit quietly? Yes/No

6 If you went out for a meal and nobody was talking much, would you find it stressful? Yes/No

7 Does the idea of going on a silent retreat fill you with horror? Yes/No

8 Try sitting in silence for a minute with your eyes shut now. Did you find it peaceful? Yes/No


For questions 1, 2, 6 and 7, give yourself a point if you said ‘Yes’. For questions 3, 4, 5 and 8, give yourself a point if you said ‘No’. Now tot up your total score.

6-8: You really hate silence! You would much rather that there was a babble of sound going on around you and that people were talking.

3-5: You’re somewhere in the middle. You like being quiet in some situations, but not all the time. Maybe you’re happier with silence i f somebody else is around, or maybe you like silence when you’re on your own.

0-2: You love the quiet. Generally s peaking, y ou prefer still environmen­ts and companiona­ble sil ences to l ots of noise and chatter.


SO WHAT should you make of your score? If you’re happy where you are, then no problem. You might want to let the people in your life know, though, so that they understand what’s going on when you seem uncomforta­ble during a lull in conversati­on, or when you say you’re craving some peace and quiet.

If, however, you would like to become more relaxed with silence, you can practise spending a little time a day — alone and/or with a partner — deliberate­ly being quiet, to get more familiar with it.

For some of us, silence feels like a punishment or a sign that someone is disapprovi­ng of us, j udging us, or deliberate­ly ‘shutting us out’. If there’s an ‘awkward pause’ in conversati­on, we rush to fill it with chatter.

For others, going quiet is a sign that we’re simply pausing to digest what someone is saying.

Whatever our communicat­ion preference­s, trying to impose them on another person can, in itself, lead to arguments.


RELATIONSH­IPS can get stuck in certain patterns of conflict, leading to pain on all sides. For example, the people we surveyed said things like:

‘We argue too easily and it always gets blown up out of all proportion as a result of not listening to each other.’

Or: ‘ We often have problems ending fights.’

A root cause of such problems can be the conviction that we are in the right and the other person is wrong.

From seemingly inconseque­ntial niggles, to bigger issues about how to manage money or how to have sex, this will invariably cause the conflict to escalate.

In such situations, it’s useful to shift from the idea that there are ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ answers, to r ecognising t hat t here are multiple perspectiv­es. This isn’t easy, but it opens up far more possible avenues to explore:

One of you might move closer to the other’s position.

The two of you may reach a compromise.

YOU might agree to differ, respecting the fact that you have different points of view. This involves recognisin­g that all

relationsh­ips have some areas of disagreeme­nt and this is just one of yours that will inevitably bubble up from time to time.

It MIGHT be that this is a difference which is too hard to live with and requires some bigger kind of change in the relationsh­ip; but it’s still no one person’s ‘fault’.

the important thing here is to be able t o put yourself i n your partner’s shoes. Sometimes it can get to the point where you need an outside person to help you do this, because you’re so caught up in the situation yourself that you can’t see it clearly.


Whether i t’s moving house, losing a job, money problems or bereavemen­t, stressful events happen in all relationsh­ips and can put it under immense pressure.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. there were very few in our survey who had not suffered one kind of setback or other. For example, around a third had moved home; a quarter had lost a job, and a similar proportion had suffered the death of someone close to them. many people had experience­d several of these over the previous two years — and yet they actually scored higher on relationsh­ip satisfacti­on overall.

going through something difficult together had clearly strengthen­ed their partnershi­ps and encouraged them to put more effort into making them work.

When people are facing tough times, they often look to what you might call the ‘relationsh­ip horizon’. they’re walking along a rough path together, but they can see along the road to where it smooths out — and that can help them to keep going.

the following things are helpful:

KNOWING that the difficult period is coming up beforehand.

HAVING some idea how long the tough time is going to last

HAVING a shared vision of the future.

People also often use the past to prepare them for the future. For example, a woman named Debs used the analogy of a bank account to describe her relationsh­ip, with thoughtful gestures, words of appreciati­on, us-time and me-time equivalent to credits ‘paid in’.

‘We go through periods when we’re having a hard time,’ she said. ‘It might be that we’re just not getting enough sleep, or one of the kids is being really difficult.

‘But because our relationsh­ip feels so strong, and we’ve been making deposits into it for so long, that’s OK and we can keep going.

‘During those times, it feels like we’re withdrawin­g from the relationsh­ip ‘account’ — but it’s all right, because it doesn’t ever run out of money.’


When you are having difficulty within a relationsh­ip, it’s important that you have other people around to support you.

however, it can be hard to tell people the true stories of our relationsh­ips when society imposes on us such powerful messages about the importance of living ‘ happily ever after’ or ‘ keeping up appearance­s’.

having to keep some aspect of their relationsh­ip under wraps can leave people feeling very isolated. and, at worst, some remain in damaging partnershi­ps because they feel unable to tell anybody what’s going on.

For all these reasons, it’s worth thinking about the support systems which might be available to your relationsh­ip.

Do you and your partner have at least one other person with whom you can talk openly about the problems between you?

Some people find it useful to have a weekend away with a close friend once a year, where they look at their whole life from a distance. others look beyond friends and family to seek profession­al support.

Finally, it’s worth noting that — probably because t he s ocial pressures on men are to be strong and rational — men are generally less likely than women to ask for relationsh­ip support.


SEEING things through your partner’s eyes is key to sorting out disputes between you.

to build this empathy, try explaining an argument from their point of view to a friend, or in writing.

or make time with your significan­t other to discuss a disagreeme­nt when you give each other ten minutes to really listen to the other’s take on the issues at hand, then give them feedback on what you heard from their perspectiv­e.

the aim of the conversati­on is just to understand each other’s position as fully as possible, not to come to any conclusion.

reflect afterwards on what it’s like to shift the goal of this kind of communicat­ion from winning.

Psychologi­sts agree that it’s worth taking ti me out alone before embarking on this kind of conversati­on because it’s much harder to see the other person’s perspectiv­e when you’re angry. If anger does bubble up, it’s best — though not always easy — to step away and to come back when you’re calmer.

ADAPTED from The Secrets Of Enduring Love: How To Make Your Relationsh­ips Last by Dr Meg John Barker and Professor Jacqui Gabb, published by Vermilion on Thursday at £12.99. © Meg John Barker and Jacqui Gabb 2016. To order a copy at £10.39 (valid until February 15), call 0808 272 0808 or visit mailbooksh­ P&P free on orders over £12.

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