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Hi Jonathan, How does astrology affect or influence the gender of a person? Are there influences at our birth that signal male or female dominance? Mark Hi Mark, A full personal horoscope is a map of the sky at the exact moment a person draws their first independen­t breath upon arrival on this planet. It says plenty about the ‘cosmic blessing of the moment’ and the potential for self-expression this bestows. Gender is biological and, with a few controvers­ial exceptions, is decided on by nature long before a person is born. DNA, similarly, predates the moment of birth.

ARIES YOU may think you

Mar 21 — Apr 20 know what’s going on in your life, why it is happening and where it is all likely to lead. You may be correct about a great deal of this, but there is still some informatio­n you lack. It is significan­t. It could make a big difference. Or, at least, it could if only you knew what it was. Till then, you can either trust a hopeful feeling or ignore what you can’t be sure of and proceed only on the basis of known quantities. But if you’ve got a hopeful suspicion in the back of your mind, don’t dismiss it. I’ve recorded your in-depth prediction for the month. For news that will lift your spirits in February, call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS YOU are

Apr 21 — May 21 determined and focused. You feel you know exactly what you must do and that you will be letting yourself (and others) down if you don’t give it your all. That’s noble, but we need a chat about the phrase ‘doing one’s best’. We are never at our best if we are tired, tense or overly serious. To be efficient, we need a sense of perspectiv­e. To develop that properly, we must have a sense of humour, too. You can’t solve a problem just by laughing at it — but seeing the funny side will also help you to see

its weakness. Your prediction for the next few weeks is ready. For inspiring insight into February, call 0906 751 5602. GEMINI HANG out the

May 22 — June 22 flags! Blow the bugle! Beat the drum! Geminis are not always flamboyant, but when they have something to celebrate or a constructi­ve contributi­on to make, they are rarely shy about advertisin­g it. There is no real need now for you to travel incognito — and, frankly, even if you wanted to ensure your inner light went unseen by others, you would need a pretty big bushel to hide it under. The more faith you have in yourself today, the more others will believe in you, too. I’ve recorded your in-depth prediction for the month. For news that will lift your spirits in February, call 0906 751 5603. CANCER ‘CANCERIANS,’ we

June 23 — July 23 are often told, ‘are compassion­ate.’ But simply to be born under your sign is not to hold a monopoly on sympathy. Others, of course, are empathetic, too. Once in a while you must make a valiant effort to reduce the intensity of your own sensitivit­y. Either you toughen up or you become a victim, vulnerable to every plea from those who feel they can take

advantage of your better nature. That’s not selfish. That’s preserving your strength so that it can be used where and when it is most needed —

as you will see today. Your prediction for the next few weeks is ready. For inspiring insight into February, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO THE world, it seems,

July 24 — Aug 23 expects us to know our own minds. We are not supposed to dither or doubt. We must show we are determined and decisive. And if for some reason that proves tricky? Then we had better fake it till we make it, and let nobody see our uncertaint­y. Such stances often lead to regrettabl­e developmen­ts. People stick with silly choices because they fear if they back down, they will lose face. But you are big enough today to acknowledg­e an unanswered question, aren’t you? I’ve recorded your in-depth prediction for the month. For news that will lift your spirits in February, call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO ARE Virgos really so

Aug 24 — Sep 23 well organised? Might it be fairer to say you are capable of paying great attention to detail and of being extremely methodical when required? Others, noticing this trait, when you bother to apply it, are so impressed that they assume it must be integral to your nature. Actually, you do it only when you want to — or have to — and, sometimes, you take great pleasure in letting things be looser. Today, if you tighten your grip on a situation that is slipping out of control, what harm will be done? Your prediction for the next few weeks is ready. For inspiring insight into February, call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 THE brain, they say, is like any other muscle. The more you exercise it, the more it becomes capable of. Is the reverse true, too? Ought we to believe those who glibly say, ‘if you don’t use it, you lose it’? That’s a bit of an overstatem­ent. With gentle effort, we can revive all kinds of abilities that no longer come quite so naturally because we have fallen out of the habit of employing them. Whether the challenge you now face is physical or mental, it is one that you can easily rise to just by making more effort. I’ve recorded your in-depth prediction for the month. For news that will lift your spirits in February, call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO SOME subjects

Oct 24 — Nov 22 inspire us. We feel delighted to engage in particular topics of conversati­on. Other matters annoy us. The moment the focus turns to a discussion about those things, we turn off our minds. So far, if not so good, at least so clear. But what about the issues, situations, even people that we love to hate? Don’t waste valuable time today getting sucked into the detail of a favourite old complaint. If something irritates you and nothing can be done about it, you have more constructi­ve things to dwell on. Your prediction for the next few weeks is ready. For inspiring insight into February, call 0906 751 5608.


Nov 23 — Dec 21 is the sign of the archer. One might expect you to have been born blessed with an ability to hit any target. Yet yours is also the sign of the centaur — half-horse, half-human. Even a magical, mythical creature like this can hardly expect to take an accurate shot in mid-gallop. What, then, is the true meaning of your sign? It suggests an ability to roam till you see a suitable objective in the distance, then rush into firing range for spontaneou­s success! As you will show us all today. I’ve recorded your in-depth prediction for the month. For news that will lift your spirits in February, call 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN CAPRICORN is

Dec 22 — Jan 20 traditiona­lly a bicorporea­l sign. Your symbol is not just of a goat, but of a goat with a fish tail. A mer-goat. A mythical, legendary creature of supernatur­al beauty and power. It is strange how many astrologer­s forget this and focus, instead, on the prosaic, pragmatic characteri­stics that they expect to associate with your sign. That’s a bit of a false front. A deceptive facade that disguises hidden depth, talent, insight and wisdom. Yet it is a gift like that which you can draw on to do something wonderful today. Your prediction for the next few weeks is ready. For inspiring insight into February, call 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 — Feb 19 oasis, a tropical paradise, an optimum temperatur­e, a perfect place . . . But still, if you look hard enough, you will find the place where the hammock isn’t hung properly from the palm tree. Or the wave, lapping gently at the shore, is eroding some essential piece of infrastruc­ture. That’s the trouble with idylls —they are all less than ideal if you subject them to scrutiny. You wouldn’t happen to be making more fuss than is necessary over a small flaw today, would you? I’ve recorded your in-depth prediction for the month. For news that will lift your spirits in February, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES WE don’t always tell

Feb 20 — Mar 20 each other everything. We hold back bits of informatio­n — not for sinister reasons but to respect a variety of social protocols. We don’t want to bore folk with too much detail, or reveal aspects of our lives which someone might then make a judgment about. We may be protecting others from their own opinions as much as defending ourselves — yet sometimes, it can be surprising what a difference the omission of a small piece of informatio­n can make. As you’ll see today. Your prediction for the next few weeks is ready. For inspiring insight into February, call 0906 751 5612.

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