Scottish Daily Mail

Phew, shopping’s jolly hard work, but at least it’s in the (doggy) bag


DOGS are often known as man’s best friend, but bull mastiff Millie is clearly a shopper’s best friend.

For she is always on hand to help out her owners, Gail and David Mackie.

One of the five-year-old’s favourite tasks is to carry in the shopping bags when Mr and Mrs Mackie return from their weekly trip to the supermarke­t.

She waits at the front door for the car to pull into the drive, then rushes out to them. Mr and Mrs Mackie give her a bag or two to carry into the house and Millie takes them into the kitchen.

Speaking at their home in Carron, Stirlingsh­ire, yesterday, Mrs Mackie, 49, said: ‘We didn’t train her to do anything, she just likes to help out.

‘When she was about nine months old, Millie would meet our daughters, Kimberley and Kirsty, at the gate when they came in from work, take their handbags and bring them into the house.

‘After that she started to help us in with shopping bags. She brings in tins, milk, crisps. She’s even brought a bag with eggs in it and didn’t crack one.’

A video of Millie taking in the shop- ping was posted online and has gone viral. More than a million people have viewed the clip, shared by Mrs Mackie on her Facebook page.

She said: ‘We couldn’t believe the reaction when the video went up.

‘We had a company in England and another one in America calling us to buy the rights to the video, so we sold them for around $1,000 [£684]. It’s crazy, it was just a video we made to put online to show some friends.’

 ??  ?? Supermarke­t sweep: Millie does the weekly shop
Supermarke­t sweep: Millie does the weekly shop
 ??  ?? Helper: Gail Mackie with Millie
Helper: Gail Mackie with Millie

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