Scottish Daily Mail

Three-bed homes barely bigger than a squash court . . .

- By James Burton

PROPERTY developers are exploiting young families by building threebedro­om homes that are scarcely bigger than a squash court.

We’ve found builders are routinely squeezing a tiny extra bedroom into homes that are really only big enough for two.

Crafty sales agents are advertisin­g these new-builds as ‘three-bed’ houses so they can hike the price.

They’re charging as much as a third more than the cost of two-bedroom properties of the same size just down the road.

Our investigat­ion raises concern that tens of thousands of young buyers are being sold overpriced houses.

Many are taking on giant mortgage debts worth as much as 95 pc of the property value, egged on by the Government’s schemes to boost home ownership.

It would take only a small dip in house prices to plunge their finances into chaos and trap them in their cramped quarters.

And now experts are warning that newbuild prices could wobble later this year as up to 500,000 family homes could be dumped on the market by landlords.

While this is good news for first-time buyers struggling to get a foot on the property ladder, those who have already bought could see the value of their home plummet.

Paula Higgins, chief executive of campaign group Homeowners Alliance, says: ‘In this country we’re building terrible houses and first-time buyers are being encouraged to buy them.

‘They’re paying a premium, but it looks increasing­ly likely that they will have problems selling them and go into negative equity.

‘The truth is the housing shortage is so acute that new homebuyers have been turned into beggars, not choosers.’

According to the Government’s guidelines, a new three-bedroom, five-person house should be no smaller than 1,001 square feet.

However, developers only have to follow these rules if they are adopted by the local council.

And it appears just a handful of councils are applying the standards due to the red tape and cost involved. It means big developers are free to build painfully small homes in most of the country.

The three-bed homes sold by Persimmon, for example, average 885 sq ft — 116 sq ft below the recommende­d size.

The Royal Institute of British Architects (Riba) believes more than half the new homes being built today are not big enough to meet the needs of their buyers.

And with new-build prices rising at 14 pc a year, developers are cashing i n. Their profits are booming as they squeeze more homes into smaller spaces — and slap on a premium for each extra bedroom, no matter how small.

Persimmon’s annual results show it increased profits to £475 million in 2014. It made an 18.4 pc profit on each house sold, up from 16 pc in 2013 — so around £35,000 from the average £190,667 sale price.

Last year, Barratt Homes also increased its margin on a typical house sale from £28,500 to £35,000, while Bellway made £45,000, up from £36,500.

Money Mail went to visit a £162,000 Persimmon new-build in Selby, North Yorkshire, which is possibly one of the smallest on the market. At 761 sq ft, it is advertised as having a ‘large lounge’ and ‘spacious kitchen dining room’. The agent says the room sizes are ‘deceptive’ — but there i s no disguising the truth.

As you squeeze into the tight hallway, all the natural light is shut out as the front door closes behind you. Ahead is a tiny lounge with barely enough room to stretch out your arms — let alone for all the usual furniture in a family home.

Upstairs, one of the three bedrooms will j ust about hold a single mattress but little else.

Persimmon’s marketing pack says the lounge is 14ft 3in by 12ft 1in — that’s smaller than an average onecar garage.

And for £130, you can go to Argos and buy a tent with a bigger pitched area than the 15ft 4in by 8ft 10in kitchen-diner.

All told, this tiny terrace house has a footprint fractional­ly larger than a squash court. Just over a mile down the road in Selby, an older two-bedroom property is on the market. It’ s amid-terrace like Persimmon’s new-build — and it’ s exactly the same size. But at £119,950, the asking price is more than £42,000 lower.

In their glossy marketing literature, developers claim to be passionate about helping first-time buyers take their first steps on to the housing ladder. Many prominentl­y display their support for the Government’s Help To Buy scheme. This would allow a first-time buyer to take the property we viewed with a 5 pc deposit of £8,100 and an interest-free Government loan of £32,400. They would need a mortgage of £121,500. But in online reviews, new-build buyers claim to have been pressured into taking a house with ‘pushy’ tactics ‘worse than car salesmen’.

James Greenwood, managing director of buying agent Stacks Property Search, says: ‘ Show homes are so beautifull­y dressed and the developers are so clever at putting in furniture to make it look bigger than it is — but they just don’t have the space.’

Buyers who pay over t he odds for new-builds are taking a huge risk.

Many are taking out 90 pc and 95 pc mortgages, with figures showing banks are offering a record number of these deals.

But buyers with such a small amount of equity in their homes are incredibly vulnerable if prices fall.

Mr Greenwood says a new house returning to the market within a year is usually priced 10 pc below its original value.

This year, prices could start to drop if landlords sell up in the face of punishing new tax rules.

Under a Government ploy to calm the buy-to-let boom, higher-rate taxpayers are having tax relief on rental income cut back.

For some, it could wipe out their annual profits. And from April, people buying second homes face an extra three percentage points in stamp duty — adding £7,500 to the cost of a £250,000 home.

According to reports, investors are preparing to dump as many as 500,000 rental properties on the market over the next 12 months.

If the sell-off drives prices down, first-time buyers will be caught in the crossfire.

For many of the 60,000 families who used Help To Buy, a 5 pc dip could wipe out their equity and leave them unable to move home. This is called going into negative equity — it means you owe more than your house is worth.

One senior property market expert told Money Mail: ‘If there is a wobble in the market, first-time buyers would be most at risk. And particular­ly first-time buyers in new-builds.’

A spokesman for Barratt says: ‘We sell a wide range of extremely popular three-bedroom properties — big and small — that reflect the different needs of ourcustome­rs.’

Bellway and Persimmon declined to comment.

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