Scottish Daily Mail

We’ll kill a pro-UK deal

So how’s the summit going so far, Dave?

- From John Stevens in Brussels and Jack Doyle in London

THE president of the European Parliament told David Cameron last night that his renegotiat­ion deal would be ripped up by MEPs if EU leaders agreed to allow Britain to curb migrant benefits.

In an extraordin­ary interventi­on, German socialist Martin Schulz said the Parliament was prepared to ‘fight’ the Prime Minister’s plans.

At the start of a crunch summit in Brussels, Mr Schulz reminded member states that MEPs had the power of veto anything that ‘discrimina­ted’ between EU citizens. In an aggressive address, he also extolled the virtues of ever-closer union and ruled out treaty change, saying it would open a ‘Pandora’s box’.

And he suggested that Britain and the rest of the EU would ‘be left to drift into the insignific­ant backwaters of the world political scene’ if voters decided to leave.

His words will fuel warnings by Euroscepti­cs that any deal struck by Mr Cameron will simply be diluted by MEPs following a referendum.

On his way into the summit, Belgian prime minister Charles Michel gloated about how Mr Cameron had already been forced to water down his demands. He said: ‘Our common will is to find a deal. We cannot allow for an endless saga, and in the end the British people will have to make a choice.

‘It is a decision and an opportunit­y that the UK stays in the EU but without jeopardisi­ng our values. We were hard on Cameron in the last months, there is still a lot of work but there was a lot of compromise on Cameron’s side, on the ever closer union or the veto right for example, and these efforts really allowed to make progress on the text.’

German Chancellor Angela Mer-

‘Eurocrats doing cartwheels’

kel said: ‘There are still things to be resolved but overall I’m heading into the discussion with the attitude that we gladly want to do everything to create the conditions so Britain can remain a part of the European Union. From the German point of view that is important, but of course it will be up to the citizens of Britain to decide in the end.’

Polish prime minister Beata Syzdlo said: ‘We want a deal, but not at all costs.’

EU l eaders are expected this morning to agree plans to restrict in-work benefits, such as tax credits, to new arrivals in Britain, and to cut child benefit payments to workers whose children remain in their home countries. But for the changes to come into force, they will need to be put into EU law by the European Parliament after the referendum.

Mr Schulz said he wanted to set out clearly his objections to what was being offered ‘to avoid misunderst­andings later on when legislatio­n will need to be debated and adopted in the European Parlia- ment.’ On the issue of the migrant benefit curbs he said the ‘solutions cannot come at the price of discrimina­ting against EU citizens’.

The key reform, a plan for an ‘emergency brake’ to restrict payments of i n- work benefits to migrants in Britain, would mean that two workers, both EU nationals, paying the same taxes, doing the same work, would for a certain time not be paid the same.

‘Allow me to say this very clearly, the European Parliament will fight against discrimina­tion between EU citizens,’ he said. Mr Schulz warned that ‘no one stood to gain’ from Mr Cameron’s demand to recognise that the euro is not the only currency of the EU.

‘The treaties are very clear: the currency of the European Union is the euro. The UK is guaranteed an opt-out from the common currency. Where could there be any need for further clarificat­ion?’ he said.

‘ We Europeans have to stick together more than ever. If we part ways, labouring under the fond illusion that, now of all times, the finest hour of the nation state has arrived, we should make no mistake about the consequenc­es.’

Tory MEP Daniel Hannan said the European Parliament was likely to pass the deal but then ‘un-pass it’ next year. He told Radio 4’s Today programme: ‘I don’t know of any MEPs or Eurocrats in private who think that this is a fundamenta­l change. All of the sound and fury, all of the negotiatio­ns, have come down to amending one directive – which we could have done at any time without needing any renegoti- ation. Privately, the Eurocrats were whooping and high-fiving and turning cartwheels because so little has been asked for.’

Asked about claims that MEPs could be like ‘monkeys with guns’ when they start looking at the deal, he said: ‘They certainly can be simian, occasional­ly, in their behaviour. I think that they will pass this deal, because they will be told to by their party leaders, but they can then unpass it the following year because it isn’t a constituti­onal change, it is just one amendment.’

 ??  ?? David Cameron looked assured at first in Brussels yesterday, until Angela Merkel gave him the evil eye... and he seemed to crumple
David Cameron looked assured at first in Brussels yesterday, until Angela Merkel gave him the evil eye... and he seemed to crumple
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