Scottish Daily Mail

Pope: Why Trump is not a Christian

Pontiff attacks tycoon’s plan to build wall to keep out migrants

- From Tom Leonard in New York

DONALD Trump got into a new fight last night, this time crossing swords with the Pope as the pontiff claimed the Republican presidenti­al frontrunne­r ‘is not Christian’ because of his radical views on immigratio­n.

Speaking on the papal plane after a trip to Mexico, Pope Francis attacked the Republican presidenti­al candidate’s promises to deport more immigrants and force Mexico to pay for a wall along the 2,000-mile border.

‘A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,’ said Francis when asked about Mr Trump.

Building such a wall, he added, ‘is not in the Gospel’.

The New York tycoon wants to deport nearly 11 million undocument­ed immigrants, most of them Mexicans or – like the Argentine pontiff – from Latin America. Mr Trump caused outrage by claiming that Mexico sends ‘rapists’ and criminals to the US.

The Pope insisted he was not trying to influence US voters, but his interventi­on in the already highly charged campaign provoked a furious response Mr Trump.

‘For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgracefu­l,’ he said during a campaign rally in South Carolina.

Discussing Islamic State, the billionair­e said the terror group’s ‘primary goal is to get to the Vatican’.

He added: ‘If and when the Vatican is attacked, the Pope would only wish and have prayed that Donald Trump would have been elected president.’

The Pope’s attack could hamper Mr Trump in his battle with conservati­ve rival Ted Cruz for the support of evangelica­ls, a crucial voting bloc among Republican supporters.

Calling himself a ‘proud Christian’, Mr Trump vowed that, as president, he would ‘not allow Christiani­ty to be consistent­ly attacked and weakened’ as he claimed it has been under Barack Obama’s presidency.

He accused the Pope of being a ‘pawn’ of the Mexican government, which wants ‘to continue to rip off he United States, both on trade and at the border’.

Although he describes himself as a Presbyteri­an, Mr Trump has already slipped up with Chris-

‘Pawn of the government’

tians when he mistakenly gave a Bible reference as ‘Two Corinthian­s’ instead of the book’s common title of Second Corinthian­s.

During a six-day visit to Mexico, Francis prayed at the US border and railed against Washington’s immigratio­n policies, which he said forced many Mexicans to entrust themselves to criminal people smugglers.

The Pope, who has been dubbed anti-American by some US conservati­ves, celebrated Mass in Cuidad Juarez, a bastion of the drug cartels that has a reputation as the most dangerous city in the world.

Mr Trump described Francis as ‘ a very political person’ and accused him of hearing only ‘one side of the story’ while failing to see the crime, drug traffickin­g and economic damage in the US he blames on Mexico.

He insisted the US had to ‘stop illegal immigratio­n and crime’, adding: ‘I don’t think he understand­s the danger of the open border we have with Mexico.’

 ??  ?? Furious response: Donald Trump
Furious response: Donald Trump
 ??  ?? Pope Francis: ‘Not in Gospel’
Pope Francis: ‘Not in Gospel’

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