Scottish Daily Mail

Simple braintease­rs that bamboozle most adults!


EARLIER this week, what looked like a very basic children’s algebra equation that involved apples, coconuts and a few bunches of bananas sent half of us up the wall.

It looked simple. It sounded simple. But instead, we were left scratching our heads in despair.

Last week, i t was National Geographic’s picture of a bus, with the simple question: i n which direction is this bus travelling?

Over Christmas, people were sent dotty trying to spot a lone panda in a crowd of snowmen.

Visual braintease­rs are driving us mad. This is partly because while some stare and stare to no avail, others solve them in seconds. But also because when you do get the answer they’re so brain-clangingly obvious you want to scream.

Dr Melina Kunar, a psychology professor at Warwick University, has reassuring news. She claims that while our ability to tackle some of the more logical tests may be linked to intelligen­ce, there’s little research to suggest our ability to spot shapes, patterns and anomalies in a picture has much to do with our IQ.

But Dr Kunar insists we’d be well advised to rattle through a few visual braintease­rs each morning, too.

‘The more practice you do, the better you’ll be at keeping on top of tasks such as finding your keys and your wallet and shopping list.’

So don’t give up. Instead, have a go at these head- spinning tests, and don’t forget it will be good for you...

 ??  ?? 10. Find the number 8 in the panel above.
10. Find the number 8 in the panel above.
 ??  ?? 5. How many squares are in the picture?
5. How many squares are in the picture?
 ??  ?? 4. Three letters are missing in the picture. Find them to make an eight-letter word, reading clockwise.
4. Three letters are missing in the picture. Find them to make an eight-letter word, reading clockwise.
 ??  ??

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