Scottish Daily Mail


SINCE Suzie asked if clouds could shield us from gravity, I’ve been considerin­g the gulf between creatives, healers, artists, intuitives . . . and scientists! Astrologer­s belong in the former category but, back when science was in its infancy, to be an as


ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 WHATEVER we do, we do with the best intention. None of us, surely, ever sets out to cause harm to another. If we do, we really should not! We can only ever expect such a policy to bring us trouble and pain. I am sure that you would never act out of malice. I have every faith in your kindness. What else could you possibly ever want for someone, other than the best? If you find yourself this weekend entertaini­ng negative ideas, rise above these. Act with a good heart and you will see a good outcome. This waxing Moon is powerful.Use its light to change your life for the better. Your NEW forecast is ready: 0906 751 5601. TAURUS Apr 21—May 21 SOMETIMES, we have to do what we don’t think we want to do. Pushing past our own resistance may involve a power struggle between two inner voices. One part of us may say, ‘I know that this is really the right thing.’ The other may respond, ‘Yes. But I really still don’t feel like doing it.’ Wherever there is the potential for conflict of this kind, there is also the potential to become stronger and wiser, thus feeling more content and fulfilled. This weekend brings you a

chance to be the best that you can be. Under the light of the waxing Moon, let your spookily accurate NEW forecast guide you this week. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22—June 22 EVEN the world’s greatest experts don’t have a 100 per cent success rate. Whether their skills are practical, poetic, convention­al, creative, mundane, or esoteric, they vary from time to time and situation to situation. Humans are consistent­ly inconsiste­nt. Even the greatest genius is erratic. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. It is something to celebrate. Even if you have been wrong about something in the past, there is a good reason why, where it counts, you will get things right this weekend. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? This waxing Moon has a powerful message for you. Call 0906 751 5603. CANCER June 23—July 23 SOME people believe that a judgment day is coming. They suspect that, at such a time, those who have been found lacking will pay a price for their poor behaviour. Others say the ones who are most likely to be judged are the folk who are doing all the judging! The world might be a better place if only we all tried harder not to find quite so much fault with one

another. This weekend, as you set out to do what your heart insists can only be the most appropriat­e thing, it doesn’t matter who thinks

what of you. This waxing Moon is powerful. Use its light to change your life for the better. Your NEW forecast is ready: 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24—Aug 23 TO BE born under Leo is to be blessed with significan­t self-confidence. You may lose your way from time to time, and you aren’t always quite as sure as the rest of the world seems to think, but, even in your moments of deepest doubt, you are prone to enviable clarity and impressive insight. You don’t like dithering, yet there are times when it may be better to think carefully for a while than to stride out with certainty in what later proves to have been the wrong direction. Be wary of that this weekend. Under the light of the waxing Moon, let your spookily accurate NEW forecast guide you this week. Call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO Aug 24—Sep 23 POLITICIAN­S soon learn to say what people want to hear, because this gets them votes. They avoid, therefore, saying whatever people may not be so keen to be told. All is well until push comes to shove or a promise must be kept. When truth needs to triumph, wise people wait to see if someone else is willing to challenge the prevailing view. Messengers often end up getting shot. You may find, if you are patient this weekend, another person will announce what you have been steeling yourself to say. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? This waxing Moon has a powerful message for you. Call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 SIMPLY by knowing the ‘name of the game’, the chances of winning it are increased. More so if you know the rules. For a dramatic change in your ability to attain a pleasing outcome, you had best study strategy. What techniques do other winners employ? What examples might you emulate? Often, success is all about identifyin­g misconcept­ions. We think one thing is required of us but, actually, we would do better if we fulfilled a different need. This weekend brings you clarity — and that brings victory. This waxing Moon is powerful. Use its light to change your life for the better. Your NEW forecast is ready: 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO Oct 24—Nov 22 PERHAPS you are solving a crossword or filling in a Sudoku grid. There comes a moment when you begin to feel you are up against a challenge that has been set by a fiendishly clever compiler. As soon as your confidence begins to wane, your ability to envisage the solution diminishes with it. Thus begins a self-perpetuati­ng cycle of doubt. A sense of strength is not, on its own, a guarantee of total success. But it makes a difference. This weekend, it will be what helps you go beyond an obstacle. Under the light of the waxing Moon, let your spookily accurate NEW forecast guide you this week. Call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23—Dec 21 SHALL we once more discuss the lottery and how unlikely it is that any of us will win it? I know, that’s not what you came here hoping to read. You wanted news that your luck might soon take a turn for the better. But it already has! It did that the moment you were born! How rare and precious do you think life on planet Earth truly is? Against all odds, this blue ball spins in space and the carbon-based life forms upon it get to enjoy the ride. This weekend, you will see so much to feel thankful for. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? This waxing Moon has a powerful message for you. Call 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN Dec 22—Jan 20 WE LIKE to know what’s expected of us. We feel happier when we have understood the terms of engagement. We grow even more comfortabl­e when we feel as if we know how to identify our challenges and the steps that we will need to take in order to successful­ly rise to these. No matter how dire or dismal a situation may seem, it all looks and feels much better when we’ve got a plan for tackling it. This weekend, if you don’t already feel you’ve got such an approach, it will become clear to you. This waxing Moon is powerful. Use its light to change your life for the better. Your NEW forecast is ready: 0906 751 5610. AQUARIUS Jan 21—Feb 19 YOU ARE not entitled to think badly of yourself just because you have failed to reach a goal. You should be proud of yourself for having had the courage to try in the first place. The evidence to support the suppositio­n that things have not gone so well is circumstan­tial. You may be prematurel­y jumping to conclusion­s. Even if things really have not gone as you’d hoped, you are now far more qualified to succeed with a similar challenge in the future! Be inspired this weekend. Under the light of the waxing Moon, let your spookily accurate NEW forecast guide you this week. Call 0906 751 5611. PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 CARTOONIST­S try hard to invent special skills for their heroes and heroines. They may make them fly or see through walls. They need not go so far to make them interestin­g. The character, for example, who could listen to what someone else is saying, and properly understand it, would be rare and powerful indeed. So, too, would the individual who could see what was special about something that others saw as ordinary. Those are gifts that you have this weekend. Use them well and wisely. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? This waxing Moon has a powerful message for you. Call 0906 751 5612.

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