Scottish Daily Mail

Proof No 10 did target anti-EU business chief

- By Jason Groves and Chris Brooke

A SENIOR aide to David Cameron gave a telephone dressing-down to the business chief who dared to speak out in favour of Brexit.

Daniel Korski, who is paid £93,000 a year, rang John Longworth just hours before the British Chambers of Commerce sensationa­lly suspended him from his post as director general.

Friends of the businessma­n claim Mr Korski intervened to question why he was calling for Britain to leave the EU when the body had taken a neutral stance on the referendum. Number 10 had repeatedly insisted no pressure was brought to bear, and the BCC claimed no politician had influenced its decision.

But yesterday’s revelation exposes their denials as weasel words. Cabinet minister Chris Grayling described the treatment of Mr Longworth, who resigned on Sunday, as disgracefu­l and spineless.

He added: ‘The fact a prominent busi- ness figure has stood up and said “I believe Britain should leave the EU” is a view we should be listening to.

‘The way the BCC has approached this in terms of just forcing him out has been wholly unacceptab­le.’

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman yesterday declined to comment on the ‘private conversati­ons’ of government officials. And he claimed no one at Number 10 had put pressure on the BCC to remove Mr Longworth, or discussed his position.

Mr Longworth yesterday said he did not know what pressure was applied by the Government. But he said it was commonplac­e for No 10 to contact business organisati­ons when they were unhappy and ‘express sometimes very strong views and strident views’.

Tory grandee David Davis yesterday submitted questions under the Freedom of Informatio­n Act about the Government’s involvemen­t in Mr Longworth’s removal.

He said: ‘The last thing we want to see is a witch-hunt against business leaders brave and astute enough to make the argument that Britain would be better off economical­ly [out of the EU].’

London mayor Boris Johnson said Mr Longworth’s removal was ‘very sad’ and urged him to join the Leave campaign.

The BCC was facing further questions about its own stance last night after it emerged that two senior figures have publicly backed the pro-EU Remain campaign, despite the organisati­on’s supposed neutrality.

Kent branch chairman Tim Allen and Cornwall branch chief executive Kim Conchie have both signed letters calling for Britain to stay in the Brussels club, without attracting any disciplina­ry action.

Speaking at the BCC’s annual conference last week, Mr Longworth expressed his personal view that Britain could have a ‘brighter economic future for itself ’ outside the EU, angering some in the BCC.

Yesterday he said that he had

‘Disgracefu­l and spineless’

resigned in order to speak out against the ‘hyperbole’ being peddled by the Government.

BCC president Nora Senior yesterday insisted ‘no politician or interest group’ had any influence on the decision to suspend Mr Longworth. She said the decision was taken ‘purely by the board’.

 ??  ?? Interventi­on: Mr Korski is one of the PM’s special advisers
Interventi­on: Mr Korski is one of the PM’s special advisers
 ??  ?? Mr Korski and partner Fiona McIlwham
Mr Korski and partner Fiona McIlwham

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