Scottish Daily Mail

Breakthrou­gh could end the misery of serial miscarriag­es

- By Fiona MacRae Science Editor

THOUSANDS of women could be spared the heartbreak of serial miscarriag­es thanks to a breakthrou­gh by British doctors.

The Warwick University medics believe they have found the root cause of the devastatin­g condition, paving the way for inexpensiv­e treatments.

Researcher Siobhan Quenby, who aims to have a test and treatment available within five years, said: ‘Recurrent miscarriag­e is incredibly destructiv­e. This offers real hope.’

One in 100 women trying to start a family suffers from recurrent miscarriag­e, defined as losing at least three pregnancie­s in a row. Blood tests flag up the cause in 15 to 20 per cent of women, but in most cases there is nothing doctors can do to help, other than offer more frequent scans.

To find out why some women’s pregnancie­s f ail time after time, the researcher­s looked at the lining of the womb tissue, key to achieving and maintainin­g a pregnancy. Stem cells in the lining lead to it being constantly replenishe­d and renewed throughout a woman’s life.

The women who had suffered recurrent miscarriag­es had fewer of these cells, and those they did have were geneticall­y different.

As a result, the lining of the womb was older and less able to prepare for pregnancy, the journal Stem Cells reports. Study leader Jan Brosens, a professor of obstetrics and gynaecol-

TV revelation: Nadia Sawalha ogy, said: ‘We have discovered that the lining of the womb in the recurrent miscarriag­e patients we studied is already defective before pregnancy.

‘I can envisage that we will be able to correct these defects before the patient tries to achieve another pregnancy. In fact, this may be the only way to really prevent miscarriag­es in these cases.’

The researcher­s hope to develop a test to determine how many stem cells a woman has in the lining of her womb. They are also poised to run trials of two potential treatments.

In one, women will undergo a slight scratching of the lining of their womb, in a bid to spur sleeping stem cells into action. In the other, they will be given drugs that are already used to treat diabetes and are thought to boost stem cells. Professor Quenby hopes the test and treatment could be offered for under £1,000 a woman, adding: ‘That is very, very cheap if we are right – and incredible if the outcome is a baby.’

She said that while most people can cope with one miscarriag­e, the highs of becoming pregnant only to lose the baby time and time again can be much harder to deal with. Prof Quenby added: ‘Recurrent miscarriag­e can cause an awful amount of suffering and grief, as well as anxiety and depression and time off work for the mother and the father. It is an awful thing to keep going through and there are very few answers at the moment, which is why I hope this is going to be such a big step forward.’

Jane Brewin, chief executive of the baby charity Tommy’s, said: ‘Finding an underlying cause for miscarriag­e could revolution­ise screening and care and potentiall­y lead to treatments which could prevent couples experienci­ng recurrent miscarriag­e which devastates their lives.

‘Parents around the UK will now have real hope and that’s the most precious gift of all for the many thousands of couples struggling with miscarriag­e.’

Actress Nadia Sawalha yesterday opened up about the pain of losing a baby four months into her pregnancy – and storing the foetus in her freezer.

Miss Sawalha, 51, revealed that, having delivered the baby at home, she felt the ‘lioness’ in her and was at a loss knowing that she ‘wasn’t able to protect’ it.

The former EastEnders star and mother of two made the revelation­s on ITV’s Loose Women chat show as the panel discussed the topic of continuing a pregnancy when a baby has a fatal defect in order to harvest its organs.

Miss Sawalha said she and husband Mark Adderley eventually had a burial for the foetus.

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