Scottish Daily Mail



Hello Jonathan, Around the time of the equinox, two comets passed very close to the Earth in quick succession. I have heard it said by astrologer­s, including yourself, that a single comet passing Earth means major change. So could those comets herald the collapse of the European Union? Anthony Dear Anthony, There are, I’m sure, some astrologer­s who might interpret it that way. Or they might link it to the threatened snap election in Australia. Or the U.S. election. I still believe the future is not entirely written in the heavens. Our actions and choices make a difference.

ARIES Mar21—Apr20 IS THIS true? Or is that true? Which version of a tale should be believed? Who knows the answer? Is there another question which, if asked, will undermine the validity of the answer that has previously been given? Why is that first person so keen to argue with that other individual? Must there be conflict, dispute and disagreeme­nt? If, today, you can avoid rising to the bait or diving, from a great height, into a pool of mutually incompatib­le opinions, you will be glad of the peace that eventually ensues. April is the month you’ve been waiting for. There’s good news in your NEW four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr21—May21 WHAT else do any of us want, other than to be at peace? Yet if a state of calm contentmen­t were our only aim, more of us would attain this more of the time. The truth is, we hanker for action and adventure. We seek entertainm­ent, engagement and involvemen­t. If that distracts us from our own natural ability to appreciate the real wonder of the world, we feel happy to put it at risk, as long as there is the promise of a thrill. That’s our own silly fault. The more you relax, the more progress you will make today. Please keep reading. I’ve taken a good look at your forecast for April and I have great things to tell you. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May22—June22 HISTORY is full of countries going to war where each nation feels sure that they have God on their side. If the warring nations have different religions, the conflict is at least easier to understand, but sometimes they both believe the same things! How, then, is any deity going to favour either side? You might not feel sure, now, about whether it’s right or wrong to seek cosmic assistance with an ambition. That very uncertaint­y suggests you deserve heavenly help! And you may get it sooner than you think. Seize your chance to understand what’s happening in your horoscope and make April a success. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June23—July23 WHAT good does it do us to feel good? There are some who might argue that confidence gives rise to error. When we are happy, are we not more likely to become prone to making extravagan­t gestures and agreeing to suggestion­s that ought to be more carefully thought through? Ah, but does any of that mean that we would be better off feeling bad? Would we really make smarter choices if we were miserable? Be wary of plans fuelled by fear now. Trust ideas born of happy inspiratio­n. I’ve got lots to tell you about April — and you’re going to like it. Do yourself a favour. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July24—Aug23 A CRUCIAL key to the theory of relativity came to Einstein in a dream. Can we, therefore, assume that we are all capable of being so smart in our sleep? Might you wake tomorrow knowing the secret of harnessing nuclear fusion? Even if you did, if your conscious mind wasn’t well-informed enough, you might not recognise the value of what you had unconsciou­sly understood. Our dreams help us process the experience­s we have had in our waking lives. They bring important insights. Heed yours now. Your in-depth, April forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug24—Sep23 HOW much support do you feel that you need? Could you do with a little more back-up? There is always a drawback to planning and preparatio­n. We can end up equipping ourselves with so many resources, and lining up so many options, we can then hardly make so much as a single, simple move without the need to contemplat­e a cavalcade of consequenc­es. It takes a lot of courage to fly by the seat of your pants and trust the spur of the moment. But that’s the only ability you need now. Even if you don’t usually call, you should hear the excellent news in your NEW April prediction: 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep24—Oct23 WE SPEND so much time thinking of the future. ‘Things will be better when I get here.’ ‘I’ll be happier once that has happened.’ We plan, project, anticipate and expect. There is nothing wrong with that. It is how we make things happen, plus what distinguis­hes us from life forms with less imaginatio­n. But there comes a point when a facility to think becomes counter-productive. It can make it almost impossible to appreciate the magic of the moment. Yet, in seeing that now, you see all you need to see. April is the month you’ve been waiting for. There’s good news in your NEW four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct24—Nov22 HOW tempting is it to find fault with a situation or with a particular person’s behaviour? How quickly can we go from a mood of calm composure to a state of intense anxiety or thundering fury? It is unfair to suggest that some signs are more changeable than others. We all experience ups and downs when the great roller-coaster of life takes us too far, too fast. Regardless of your normal temperamen­t, you have reason for feeling differentl­y now. Don’t try to control a natural reaction, just trust that all will be well. Please keep reading. I’ve taken a good look at your forecast for April and I have great things to tell you. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov23—Dec21 HUMAN beings have physical needs and functions that put us on a very similar path to many other animals. We sometimes feel a little ashamed of this. We attempt to hide basic biological aspects of our existence. It is considered impolite even to allude to them. I mention this because events now offer you an opportunit­y to recognise what really makes you so magnificen­tly different to any other ‘animal’. It is not your intelligen­ce that sets you apart today, but, potentiall­y, your kindness. Seize your chance to understand what’s happening in your horoscope and make April a success. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec22—Jan20 THERE are some things we may never understand, no matter how hard we try or for how long. Among these are the things we think we understand only too well. It may, indeed, be precisely because we feel so sure that we have nothing new to discover that we fail to see the true meaning and mystery of an apparently obvious situation. We take it all for granted until some simple yet important developmen­t inspires us to open our eyes. Prepare to be delightful­ly baffled and amazed soon. I’ve got lots to tell you about April — and you’re going to like it. Do yourself a favour. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan21—Feb19 WHO are we to judge the importance of any developmen­t? What gives us the right to say one process is trivial and another has significan­ce? We may think experience entitles us to an opinion, but if we ask ourselves what our own experience has taught us, we have to concede that sometimes it has shown us how wrong we can be! If we can’t be certain of circumstan­ces, how can we make pronouncem­ents about people? Isn’t everyone special, every situation hopeful? Be open to a happy thought today. Your in-depth, April forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb20—Mar20 THE greatest potential for conflict always arises between people who have a lot in common. Though we fear what we don’t know because we imagine it contains something we won’t like, we reserve most of our animosity for a kind of friction that arises when two similar ideas turn out to have a few difference­s. To anyone else, these seem trivial. But to those by whom the principles are held most dearly, those little distinctio­ns fuel fury. You have greater common cause with someone now than either of you know. Even if you don’t usually call, you should hear the excellent news in your NEW April prediction: 0906 751 5612.

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