Scottish Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


÷ COULD it be that immigrants want to come to the UK so they can see their own doctor again?

GRAHAM CARPENTER, Leominster, Herefordsh­ire.

FOR how much longer will the public put up with cuts to services and stealth taxes while the Government wastes millions on the foreign aid budget?

DAVID COTTRELL, Pontypool, Mons.

PERHAPS those gruesome pictures of luvvies posing with dead fish (Mail) will have the desired effect and put people off fish for life.

GILL LAWRENCE, Bletchley, Bucks.

THE reason more men cry than their fathers did (Mail) is because they spend more time in the kitchen, peeling onions.

C.D. ALLAN, Alsager, Cheshire.

WE STILL get the seasons — spring, summer, autumn and winter — but not necessaril­y in that order.

MALCOLM TAYLOR, Trowbridge, Wilts. ÷

YOU can claim £1,000 a month from EU and UK taxpayers if you’re unemployed in Palestine. Should our Job-Centres be directing people there?

CHARLIE JOSEPH, Lawford, Essex.

THE dimwits who think rhino horn has medicinal properties may just as well chew on their own fingernail­s (they’re both made of keratin). Can’t we get this across to people in the Asian markets?


WHEN my firstborn was born at home, I apologised to the midwife for calling her out on a Sunday. ‘If God hadn’t meant us to work on a Sunday,’ she said, ‘He wouldn’t have sent babies on Sundays’.

JOAN WOODGATE, West Hanningfie­ld, Essex.

BORIS JOHNSON? Do the British people really want an adulterous buffoon as leader of the Tory Party and potential Prime Minister?

PETER BENNISON, Whitley Bay, Tyne & Wear.

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