Scottish Daily Mail

Why you should change ALL your make-up when you hit the menopause

- by Claire Coleman

MENOPAUSAL women are bombarded with informatio­n about everything from HRT and ‘natural’ alternativ­es to advice about diet, exercise and skincare to help minimise the symptoms.

But what’s rarely discussed is how make-up regimes also need to change during ‘the change’. ‘For most women the menopause is a gradual process that happens over several years,’ explains Tricia Cusden, who f ounded Look Fabulous Forever, specifical­ly to cater to the problems of older skin.

‘So the realisatio­n that you need to rethink your make-up is likely to dawn on you gradually, when trusted favourites no longer work as effectivel­y as they did.’

But, with such a huge range of formulatio­ns, shades and tools at hand, your make-up can be your greatest ally when it comes to ensuring you look your best — even if you don’t always feel it — throughout your menopause and beyond.

Here, with the help of some experts in the field, i s your ultimate guide to ‘menopause make-up.


THERE’S no point plastering on make-up without tending to the skin first. And just as hormones during puberty make your skin feel dry while simultaneo­usly being oily and spotty, it’s the same during the menopause. As a result, you may need a moisturise­r that will hydrate skin while controllin­g oil.

‘When I’m working with women whose skin needs this sort of double-action product, I often use Murad’s Oil-Control Mattifier (£19.67,,’ says make- up artist Oonagh Connor. ‘It hydrates skin, but also keeps shine at bay.’


THIS is the age when primers really come into their own, says Tricia. ‘Post-menopausal skin behaves differentl­y because it has less elastin and collagen — the proteins that keep skin firm and springy — and certain structures in the skin become less efficient at absorbing water,’ she adds.

‘I liken post-menopausal skin to blotting paper because the surface is bumpier, it’s drier and more absorbent, and you can’t draw clean, crisp lines on it any more.’

Primers, applied post-moisturise­r and pre-make-up — which help smooth the surface of the skin, make fine lines and pores less noticeable, and give make-up a good base to adhere to — are invaluable, whether you’re at the hot flush stage, or a few years down the line. Laura Mercier (£29, spacenk.

com) has a great range, including an oil-free version.


‘JUST as hair loses pigment with age and goes grey, so your skin also starts to lose melanin, and appear lighter,’ says Tricia.

So, even if you’ve used the same foundation for years, now is the time to reassess the colour and make sure you have the perfect match. Anybody suffering from hot flushes and prone to redness, should look for yellow, rather than pink, based foundation­s, as these will help to bring colour down.

Lancome’s Teint Visionnair­e f oundation i s popular with older women because it gives good, lasting coverage without a cakey finish, and the corrector can be used in areas that require more coverage.

For her menopausal clients, make- up artist Lisa Eldridge suggests Estee Lauder’s Double Wear All Day Glow BB cream, which she says i s both l onglasting, and leaves a dewy finish.

‘And if you happen to have a hot flush, this really will stay on.’

Just steer clear of spray- on or airbrush foundation­s. Hormonal changes can lead to hair growth on the face and these types of foundation cling to fine hairs, highlighti­ng them.


ONCE you have f ound t he f oundation that i s the right colour and formulatio­n for you, don’t smear i t on with your fingers, use a brush.

‘ If you’re suffering from hot flushes, using a brush keeps the temperatur­e of your skin down, doesn’t transfer oil from your fingers and allows for a thin layer of product to be worked into your face,’ says Oonagh.

Ensuring your foundation does not look mask-like is even more important at this age.

‘As skin gets paler, our faces lose something called “the luminance of contrast”, which means all our features — eyes, eyebrows, cheeks and l i ps l ose definition and become less noticeable, which can be very ageing,’ says Tricia.

Celebrity make-up artist Mary Greenwell suggests you can combat this by applying foundation only to the centre of the face and then gently blending it out.

‘This creates a luminous glow on the key areas that the light naturally hits,’ she says.


‘THIS is the time you need to find a really good concealer,’ says Mary Greenwell. ‘ You may have used one in the past. But postmenopa­use, when skin is thinner, dark shadows underneath the eyes become more apparent, and you may also be suffering from age spots, so you need to find a product that works for you.’

And, says Tricia, as with your foundation, a brush is essential when applying concealer, whether it’s a stick or cream formulatio­n: ‘Apply with a short stiff brush and stipple into the skin. Add a second layer if necessary.’


MENOPAUSAL women prone to redness should steer clear of pink blushers. ‘They just make skin look more flushed,’ says Oonagh. But that’s not to say you should skip colour in your cheeks entirely — you need that contrast to avoid looking washed out.

‘Seek out bronzers and peachtoned blushers,’ she advises. ‘Apply them high up on the cheeks and blend them well. The aim is to give your face balance, rather than looking made up.’


WHILE levels of the skin-plumping protein, collagen, start to diminish from around your mid-20s, the menopause i s what really accelerate­s this process and skin can lose as much as 30 per cent of its collagen in five years.

This is particular­ly apparent around the eyes, where skin is thinner and eyelids start to get droopier, meaning it’s hard to get crisp edges to eyeliners.

Mary Greenwell suggests switching your defined line, for something softer, maybe using a powder shadow with a stiff brush to create a smudgy line instead.

Be warned, though, that purple is a shade best avoided by menopausal women. ‘It’s ageing and can make you look bruised and tired,’ says Oonah.

‘Years ago, I was taught that if you use a li ttle peach- toned shadow on the hood of the eye, it gives an illusion of lightness and brightness that lifts the eye.’


IF YOU are worried that lack of elasticity is making you look a little jowly, using a matte brown bronzer along your jawline can help give your face the definition that lack of pigment, and lack of firmness, have eroded.

‘Don’t go overboard with too much colour,’ warns Oonagh. ‘You can always build it up if you need to, but it’s harder to tone down. And make sure you blend it really well — you don’t want an obvious stripe of darker colour.’


WITH age, your brows may not only get sparser, but can, as elasticity in the skin diminishes, tend to droop. So avoid using anything too dark or heavy as that can leave you looking like a clown.

Tricia developed her Brow Shape (£19, lookfabulo­ to help thicken and elongate brows in a natural way. Rather than using a pencil or powder, it’s a paint, with a very fine brush, that allows you to create the effect of individual hairs, where needed.

To lift the brow, Oonagh recommends using a highlighte­r cream or pencil directly under the brow — try Superdrug’s B. Sculpted Contour Kit (£10.49, superdrug.

com) or Benefit’s High Brow pencil (£16.50, benefitcos­


THAT lack of elasticity in skin can cause problems around the lips, especially for fans of darker toned lipsticks. ‘Lipstick, which you need more than ever to define the lips, can feather and bleed into the lines around the mouth,’ says Tricia.

She recommends using a lip primer, such as her Lip Prime (£16,

lookfabulo­ while an alternativ­e is a lipliner, which as well as stopping lipstick from creeping, can also make lips, which thin with age, appear fuller.

 ??  ?? Avoid dark shades on the eyebrows Try a lip liner or primer for definition Never use a pink-based foundation Use a powder for soft lines around eyes A bronzer will restore your jawline
Avoid dark shades on the eyebrows Try a lip liner or primer for definition Never use a pink-based foundation Use a powder for soft lines around eyes A bronzer will restore your jawline
 ??  ??

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