Scottish Daily Mail

The birthday boy who wanted to die like a man

Alfred Rush -17 that day -- refused a place in a lifeboat as the Titanic sank. Just one of the heroic tales from a night that still chills the blood

- MARK MASON The number of horses required to carry the Titanic’s main anchor

SuNDAy April 14, 1912 was Alfred Rush’s 17th birthday. He marked the day by wearing his first ever pair of long trousers. A memorable enough event for a young man back then — but very soon the day would be characteri­sed by something much more dramatic.

Because Rush, like 2,223 other people, was sailing aboard the Titanic.

The story of how the White Star Line’s pride and joy, the largest and most famous ship in the world, ended its one and only journey in disaster is well known. Or rather, you realise as you read Jonathan Mayo’s gripping book, it isn’t.

‘Titanic’ is a headline, a shorthand, a word that caps the metaphor ‘re-arranging the deckchairs on the...’

(Though as Mayo points out, the Titanic didn’t have any deckchairs.)

But the calamity wasn’t one story, it was 2,224 of them. By researchin­g the experience­s of dozens of the individual­s on board that freezing cold night in the North Atlantic, and combining them to produce a chronologi­cal account of what happened, Mayo has written a book that is incredibly difficult to review: there is something astonishin­g or heartbreak­ing on every page.

For a start there was the sheer scale of the Titanic. Its rivets alone weighed 1,200 tonnes. An officer’s check that all was well around the ship involved a walk of over a mile.

One passenger who tried to arrange insurance before her journey was told it was unnecessar­y, as the vessel was unsinkable.

But size can be scary as well as reassuring: writer Helen Churchill Candee, who travelled on board, found that the Titanic’s ‘indifferen­ce to mankind was significan­t in its utter self-absorption’.

Others had more prosaic worries — steward George Beedem wrote to his wife and son from Queenstown in Ireland (the ship’s last stop before tackling the Atlantic): ‘The last three days I’ve felt rotten . . . I wish the bally ship at the bottom of the sea’.

The book’s cast list is wonderfull­y varied, from violinist Georges Krins, whose father talked him out of joining the Army because a musician’s life would be safer, to American John Jacob Astor, whose first-class suite for the trip cost the equivalent of $100,000.

Esther Hart was convinced that something bad was going to happen, so spent every night sitting fully dressed in her cabin.

Some passengers weren’t who they said they were. A dealer in ostrich feathers was travelling with his mistress, while ‘Louis Hoffman’ was actually Michel Navratil, whose two small sons he had kidnapped from their mother.

Mayo’s style is simple and powerful. The story is told in the present tense, making it all the more compelling. It reads like a Frederick Forsyth novel, in that the drama comes from the detail.

Mayo doesn’t emote, he simply gives you the facts. When we read a mix-up between staff at Southampto­n has led to the Titanic’s lookouts having to work without binoculars, we know what that will mean. Similarly, when Second Officer Charles Lightoller says the sea is too calm — there are no waves to break against icebergs and identify them — our antennae twitch.

By the time another ship, the California­n, warns of ice in the area, we are almost screaming at Jack Phillips, the Titanic’s wireless operator, to take note. But the California­n has failed to preface its message with ‘MSG’, which would have meant Captain Smith had to be told. So Phillips carries on transmitti­ng passengers’ messages to relatives and friends.

EVEN when the Titanic does hit the iceberg, there is no instant panic. It’s 11.40pm, so many people are asleep. The impact occurs on one side of the ship, leaving a series of gashes no more than an inch high — but they’re stretched along 250 ft of her hull. If the Titanic had hit the iceberg head on she would have survived. But six watertight compartmen­ts are breached — a higher number than the ship can bear.

Esther Hart, dressed and in her cabin as usual, tries to tell her husband that something serious has happened. ‘Oh woman, again?’ he replies sleepily. ‘I really don’t know what I shall do with you.’

The collision feels so slight that in a galley, where a pan of freshly baked rolls falls from the top of an oven, the night baker is annoyed at his produce ending up on the floor rather than worried about what caused the jolt.

Even those who do know what has happened are unconcerne­d. Fifteen

minutes after impact a steward tells a passenger that ‘if she does go down, I’m sure we can cheat the drink for about 48 hours’. Ten minutes later still, passengers play football with a block of ice from the iceberg, while another has a chunk of it in his cocktail. A full half-hour later, Captain Smith still does not believe his ship can sink.

But gradually the truth emerges, and we see human nature reacting to pressure in different ways. The first-class cabins are locked to prevent looting — someone with a key loots them neverthele­ss. The officer in charge of the lifeboats on the port side operates a ‘women and children first’ policy, but his starboard equivalent opts for ‘women and children only’.

John Jacob Astor is refused permission to accompany his wife despite the fact she is pregnant. An American couple are returning home because their son has been killed in a car crash: she is allowed on a boat, he isn’t. Even a young man ‘of about 16’ who jumps into a boat has a gun pointed at him and is told: ‘I give you just ten seconds to get back on to that ship before I blow your brains out.’ He complies. Two other men who rush a boat aren’t given the option — they are immediatel­y shot dead. But by now the situation is hopeless, and the officer turns the gun on himself. Others accept their fate more stoically. ‘Goodbye friends,’ says one man. ‘I’m too old to fight the Atlantic.’ He walks to the smoking room, sits down and waits to die. A woman plays the piano with her child on her knee until, as a survivor put it afterwards, ‘the Atlantic grave called them both’. Another mother, in a lifeboat, hides her nine-year-old son’s face with her hands as the Titanic slides beneath the surface: she doesn’t want him to witness his father’s death. A swimmer who tries to clamber aboard one of the lifeboats is kept away by its occupants, as it is barely floating and they don’t want him to sink it. ‘All right, boys,’ he replies. ‘Good luck and God bless you.’ But the story doesn’t end with the ship’s demise. Aboard the Carpathia, the vessel that rescues those in lifeboats, Leah Aks sees her baby son is alive — but the woman holding him claims the child is hers. Aks has to prove she is the mother by mentioning a birthmark on the boy’s chest.

MANY of the victims’ bodies are brought to Nova Scotia, where police burn their clothes to stop souvenir hunters stealing them. A conman uses the tragedy to fake his death, but is later caught.

One American survivor can never attend a baseball game: the crowd’s shouts remind him of the screams of the dying. A British survivor develops a fear of the ocean, and during a seaside holiday insists on turning his deckchair away from the water.

But another passenger writes to her sister: ‘What time did you hear of the disaster? I AM SO GLAD I WAS IN IT.’

And young Alfred Rush? The 17- year-old was small for his age, and could probably have found a place in one of the lifeboats. But instead he stood there proudly, long trousers and all, and announced to the crew: ‘I am staying here with the MEN!’

 ??  ?? Shock: News of the Titanic’s sinking reaches London
Shock: News of the Titanic’s sinking reaches London
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