Scottish Daily Mail

Cainer saw our futures

A new start for a bullied wife. The business gamble that made one man’s fortune. After the Mail’s legendary astrologer Jonathan Cainer died, your stories of his genius poured in


HE GUIDED his devoted followers through every twist and turn of their lives. From ending a long marriage to making business deals worth a fortune, so many huge decisions were made on his advice. The Mail’s legendary astrologer Jonathan Cainer, who died suddenly this week aged just 58, even predicted his own demise: his forecast for his own star sign, Sagittariu­s, for the day of his death read: ‘We’re not here for very long. So make the most of every moment.’

No wonder his fans looked to him in their most troubled times. Here, we reveal some of their stories and how Cainer shaped their lives . . .


KAREN Lee, 67, is a retired psychologi­st who is married to her second husband, William, 67, a jeweller. She says: MY HUSBAND, Duncan, had cancer and watching him suffer was terribly traumatic. On my way to visit him in hospital, I performed my daily ritual, turning to Jonathan Cainer. ‘It takes a brave person to go into the snow after an avalanche,’ he wrote for Capricorns. ‘Try not to be too nervous. The drama is over.’ Just hours later, Duncan died of cancer, aged 59. The drama was, indeed, over because my husband had been a violent man who had long subjected me to crippling emotional abuse. And, astonishin­gly, Jonathan had predicted precisely when this abuse would end.

Duncan and I had married in 1984. To the outside world, he was charming and charismati­c. In private, he’d hurl furniture if I couldn’t find his favourite shirt and call me useless if he thought I wasn’t speaking to him respectful­ly. My confidence was obliterate­d.

I was a chartered psychologi­st and we ran a consultanc­y together, so our incomes were as linked as our lives, and I didn’t have the courage to leave him. But in January 1998, I summoned the nerve to say I wanted a divorce. Duncan threatened suicide.

I was trapped — something Jonathan seemed instinctiv­ely to understand. He later wrote: ‘You’re not free to do as you wish. Even if you try, you find that you are like a puppet attempting to escape the will of a puppeteer.’

However, in July 1998, he offered hope: ‘Natural justice is being dispensed. As you watch a situation from a seemingly helpless point of view, it should become apparent everything is working out perfectly.’

In October that year, Duncan was diagnosed with stomach cancer, which quickly spread. Rather than relieved, I felt horribly conflicted. I didn’t want him to die. Despite everything, he was my husband.

As I made the train journey from our home in Milton Keynes to see Duncan in hospital in London, I would read Jonathan’s forecasts.

One said: ‘There is something you may as well get used to; some factor that you have no option other than to accept.’ It felt as though Jonathan knew Duncan was dying.

I sensed his words about the drama ending would prove prophetic as I read them on July 20, 1999. But Duncan’s death still traumatise­d me.

When I arrived, he was on a lifesuppor­t machine. Overwhelme­d, I asked him to blink if he could hear me. He did. I told him not to be afraid, but then, as he closed his eyes for a final time, I yelled at him for leaving. Despite all my anger, there was love there, too.

Jonathan made me realise that Duncan’s death had not been arbitrary. It was part of the universe’s plan. I was supposed to carry on — happiness lay ahead.

Five years after Duncan died, I married William. But I will feel Jonathan’s absence every day.


ROGER Hoe, 57, is managing director of a constructi­on company from Cottingham, e.Yorks. He says: AS UNUSUAL as it might be for a man to admit, I’ve always believed in astrology — especially when it comes to business decisions. Jonathan Cainer’s forecasts were instrument­al in me making my fortune. Without his help, who knows where I’d be today?

I set up my constructi­on company in 1990, building up an organic food company alongside it.

I saw a shop for sale for £85,000 in 1999, but wasn’t sure the investment was worth it. But when I read Jonathan’s forecast for my Pisces starsign soon after — ‘It is time to diversify’ — I took the plunge.

I’m glad I did. Five years later, I sold the shop for £235,000, ploughing the profits back into the business.

Since then, my business has grown beyond my wildest expectatio­ns. I have 25 staff and a five-bedroom farmhouse with an acre of gardens. Quite simply, I’m living the dream.

Jonathan’s horoscope continued to be a valued guide for crucial business decisions. I read it each day and consulted him before making extravagan­t purchases. I bought my Bentley in 2007 only after his reading for my Pisces sign said: ‘If you work hard you should enjoy the fruits of your labour.’

My friends think horoscopes are nonsense. But I like to think the progress of my business proves them wrong.


ANGELA GARVIN, 49, is a legal secretary from Romford, essex, whose husband Peter, a lawyer, left her in august 2012. She says: I REALLY thought I had found my dream man. Kind, charismati­c, generous, Peter, surely, was ‘the one’.

He would whisk me away for spontaneou­s weekends, and once even surprised me with a ruby necklace. We married in August 2011 after eight years together.

Then, inexplicab­ly, the romance began to dwindle. Our sex life suffered and only 12 months after our wedding, Peter told me he was leaving me.

It all seemed so sudden. I felt tormented by unanswered questions. I became depressed, stopped going to work and lost a stone in just a month.

I’ve always devoured Jonathan Cainer’s horoscopes. But it was a forecast for my Leo sign a month after Peter and I separated that pulled me out of my depression.

‘Don’t be despondent,’ Jonathan wrote. ‘There are more people involved in the situation than you think. It was never meant to be.’

A feeling of calm washed over me as I cried my last tear. His words gave me hope, and I started to get myself back on track.

Even when I heard Peter was in a new relationsh­ip, I felt at peace.

With Jonathan’s death, I feel bereft. I’ve lost my trusted counsellor.


LANEY RANDELL, 73, a physiother­apist, is married to Peter, 82, a retired agricultur­al consultant, and lives in Woking, Surrey. She says: I’VE ALWAYS had a deep bond with my daughter, Louise. When she moved to France, we started to wear matching gold bracelets — a symbol of our love despite the distance between us.

In 2007, I bought us each another bracelet — gold set with emeralds.

Before I gave Louise her gift, Peter and I went on holiday to Cornwall, staying in a beautiful cottage.

Wearing the jewellery to keep them safe, we visited the gardens of a nearby country house.

But then I realised my bracelets had come off. I felt sick as we franticall­y retraced our steps through the bluebells.

A groundsman standing by a mechanical digger noticed how upset I was. He introduced himself as Bob and promised he would search the grass with a metal detector before he cut it.

The cost of the bracelets — £200 each — was irrelevant. I went back to the cottage feeling I had let Louise down by losing them.

Distraught, I could barely bring myself to get up in the morning, save to buy the paper to read Jonathan Cainer — a ritual that has uplifted and reassured me for decades.

Three days later, Jonathan’s forecast for my sign, Sagittariu­s, said a man with a mechanical digger would be of some help. My mood instantly brightened. Sure enough, that evening Bob left a note at our cottage: he’d found my bracelets.


Faith EckErsall, 50, from Winchester, hants, is married to retired education worker ashley, 67. she says: At the time, Jonathan’s forecast for my Pisces star sign didn’t seem concerning. It was the end of December 2000.

‘Make no mistake,’ he wrote. ‘Your New Year will go off with a bang’.

the prescience of his words was revealed on New Year’s Day when it did just that.

My husband, Ashley, and I were attending a friend’s lunch party.

While we were in their kitchen helping ourselves to food, the gas canister keeping the gravy warm exploded. Flames flew across the room, and we fled in terror. My face seared with red-hot pain. My eyelashes and hair were singed, my forehead and cheeks badly burnt. Ashley, too, was burnt, while another guest’s hands were blackened.

I shook with fear as we were rushed in an ambulance to Queen Alexandra hospital in Portsmouth. It took weeks for our burns to heal. Fortunatel­y, there has been no lasting physical damage.

But we’ve never found out why the gas canister blew up. It was a freak accident that no one could have foreseen — no one, that is, except Jonathan Cainer.


ROSE STOWER, 71, is a widow and retired personal assistant from Bristol. her son, andrew, killed himself aged 36 in December 2002. she says:

I ALWAYS read Jonathan’s horoscopes to help me unwind. One day, he said something was about to happen to Virgos that would change our lives for ever. Later that week, in December 2002, my son, Andrew, took his own life. Andrew, who was 36, had suffered from depression once before. In the days leading up to his death, he had been devastated after his girlfriend of three years left him.

I’d met him as soon as I’d discovered that she’d gone. I steered clear of getting too emotional, but I hoped he understood that I was there for him, no matter what.

the following evening, I invited him for dinner. half an hour after he had been due to arrive, he left a voicemail message on our phone. he couldn’t make it, he said, signing off with a simple ‘cheerio’.

that was the last time I ever heard his voice.

At 10pm the following evening, the police knocked on our door. A passer-by had discovered Andrew’s car in local woods. he’d poisoned himself with carbon monoxide.

I can’t explain the grief that overcame me, other than to say that it has been my constant companion ever since.

Andrew would have been 50 this week, maybe married with children. I will never stop torturing myself with ‘what ifs’ — and remain utterly convinced that Jonathan had the power to see the future.


ANGELA thompson, 63, is a divorcee and mother of one from Bedford. she says:

I CONSIDERED myself blessed to have a job I loved — I adored small children and was the manager of a nursery.

then, in 2004, I felt a niggling doubt. the nursery owner seemed reluctant to spend money on equipment, and my staff and I worried for the future.

I always read my Jonathan Cainer horoscope and, one morning, in April 2005, his words leapt out.

‘It would be advisable to start looking for another job or consider a career move,’ he wrote. ‘there are things going on that you’re not privy to and this will be made clear soon.’

I felt that he was speaking to me. I had to leave my job — now.

Shortly after, I saw an advert for a job with our local police. I would be looking after prisoners brought into custody — a world away from the nursery, but hadn’t Jonathan suggested a change? I felt compelled to apply.

Sure enough, I was offered the post, just before the nursery was taken over by new owners. A year later, it closed. Yes, my new job was daunting — a world away from playing with toddlers.

But I love it. And I would never have considered it without Jonathan’s advice.

TODAY’s issue of Weekend magazine, carrying Jonathan cainer’s weekly forecast, went to press before the tragic news of his death. Jonathan wrote all his columns some time in advance of publicatio­n and, with his family’s blessing, we will continue to publish all those he had prepared, both in the paper and in Weekend.

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