Scottish Daily Mail

Flowers that cut and come again

Cut f lowers will brighten up your home all summer long


YEARS ago I used to visit a beautiful nursery in Norfolk. The plants were excellent, but what I loved best was the setting. It was in the old walled garden of the Holkham Estate. Wandering within those walls, I’d think of the skilled gardeners who toiled in times past, growing food and flowers for the great house. The flowers would have to be fresh, perfect and produced all year.

Could you do that in a little garden? I couldn’t. But it’s easy to provide modest floral supplies if you include plants with both garden and vase value.

There are lots. Ten cordon-grown sweet peas, for example, could produce 15 to 20 top quality stems a week, June to August. And they’re pretty along a fence or trained on canes.

Dahlias give colour from July to November. But they must be picked or dead-headed to keep them flowering. Annuals such as larkspurs, cornflower­s and marigolds also flower for longer if you keep cutting them.


WITH larger areas — or on an allotment — you could devote space exclusivel­y for cut flowers. Edge a vegetable plot with your chosen blooms or line them out alongside the crops. They’ll aid pollinatio­n, too.

In a dedicated area, I’d grow chrysanthe­mums, zinnias, gladioli, tall antirrhinu­ms and sweet williams. I’d want cottage plants, too — such as candytuft, alyssum, pansies and violas. They’re great for arranging in little vases.

Pinks are the most charming of midsummer pickables. Modern varieties such as white Memories, maroon-centred white Bright Eyes or startling single Tequila Sunrise are good because they repeat. Old-fashioned pinks such as Mrs Sinkins and Sops in Wine are lovely, but flower only once.

Containers, even formally planted ones, can supply modest posies. My mother often yelled at me for raiding her fancy pots. But if I did it without her seeing, she never noticed where I’d been.


WITH potted tulips or narcissus, you can plant at two or even three levels. If they come up crowded, cull a few blooms from each. Then you’ll have flowers for the house as well as balanced pots.

Whenever you buy plants, it helps to consider cut-flower value as well as how they’ll look outside. So many are great for both. Lilacs, peonies and iris are lovely for cutting in May. But cherry blossom — fabulous outside — won’t last. And flowering currant, though beautiful, smells of tom cat.


WHEN you pick material from a small garden, be sensitive. Take from the backs of shrubs and assess the impact before you snip.

You’ll want your cut flowers to last as long as possible. Vase hygiene is essential, but it’s also important to gather blooms during favourable conditions.

Early morning is the best time. Evening is nearly as good but midafterno­on is the worst.

When you gather, have a tall florist’s bucket or a pail with you, half-filled with water. Place each flower stem deep into the water as soon as you’ve cut it.

When you bring the material indoors, cut the bottom of each stem obliquely, to maximise water uptake. Use a scrupulous­ly clean vase and change the water every couple of days. Some florists recommend adding nutrients or an aspirin to flower water. I don’t, preferring the water to be as clean and as pure as possible.

Follow those rules and you’ll double the life of your blooms, thereby reducing the pressure on the garden. Flowers bring a sense of nature into the house and that is known to reduce stress and gives a sense of wellbeing.

Conversely, a house without any greenery is like a sunless day.

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 ??  ?? Pick of the bunch: Dedicate garden space to cut flowers such as chrysanthe­mums
Pick of the bunch: Dedicate garden space to cut flowers such as chrysanthe­mums
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