Scottish Daily Mail



ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

WHENEVER you express your opinions, other people listen. They may feign disinteres­t, they may even argue, but deep within they take on board those comments and attitudes and these subtly shape their own beliefs. Conversati­ons have the potential to be extremely powerful and you should never underestim­ate your ability to influence other people. What informatio­n are you now passing on and what is being passed to you? It may be time to start saying a little less and looking more carefully at what’s really going on. Jonathan left important news for you in your latest spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

THERE are three planets involved in the current Grand Trine, and it is hard to say which of these is the most ‘important’. Nor, out of the eight zodiac signs, which traditiona­l lore suggests are directly affected by this alignment, can we say which is most likely to gain the greatest benefit. For billions around the globe, events later this week will be good. And for you as a Taurus? They will certainly be more than good enough. Don’t envy someone else’s good fortune today. It’s time to appreciate your own. Jonathan left you a powerful prediction. Your latest inspiring Moon-sign forecast is waiting for you. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

WHEN we encounter something that seems unreliable or someone whose actions appear unpredicta­ble, we feel insecure. That’s why we tend to over-react when we come up against a situation we can’t easily second-guess. The temptation is to treat it as totally wild and chaotic. If we tell ourselves that we just can’t place any trust in a process, at least we can feel sure that we can’t be sure of it! Yet today, events may just reveal the hidden pattern in a chaotic set of circumstan­ces. Trust in this valuable insight. Jonathan left important news for you in your latest spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

TODAY, be prepared to be exceptiona­lly sensitive to the needs and moods of others. They won’t have to say anything. The very moment that an image of someone else floats into your mind, you’ll become aware of what they feel and what they want. Your insight is accurate, too. The question is: can you expect this empathy to be reciprocat­ed? Perhaps not to quite the same extent. But when are others ever quite as tuned-in as you are? If you want miracles this weekend, you’ll have to be the one who works them. Jonathan left you a powerful prediction. Your latest inspiring Moon-sign forecast is waiting for you. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

WHERE once you felt as if you had to fight, now it is simply necessary for you to negotiate. A point has been made, a message communicat­ed, a position understood. You might not have won an outright victory, but you are certainly not in a position from which you must concede defeat. You can afford to act with the confidence that befits a person of strength and status. You have a bargaining chip that nobody can ignore or take from you. Put that, plus your natural charm, to good use. Jonathan left important news for you in your latest spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

WE ALL like to keep our promises. That’s true even of people who turn out to be unreliable or fickle. They don’t see themselves in this way. Their self-image is of a much more responsibl­e character — and if you suggest otherwise, they may be offended. Much the same syndrome reveals itself when you ask a person who is well known as a liar if they ever tell lies! Be wary today of someone’s sensitivit­ies ... but be even more wary about believing everything they tell you, no matter how passionate­ly they say it. Jonathan left you a powerful prediction. Your latest inspiring Moon-sign forecast is waiting for you. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

WHEN people recommend compromise, they usually emphasise the gains that can be made. They forget to mention the stresses and strains that inevitably accompany the striking of the deal. Such trade-offs are never easy. We always find ourselves looking at them and thinking: ‘Did I come out of this badly?’ You are now wondering whether you have given away too much or whether you may be about to make such an error. The strong suggestion of the cosmos is that you have the balance just about right. Jonathan left important news for you in your latest spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

THE world, some people think, is heading for hell in a handcart. But some folk have been of this opinion for many years. It must either be a very slow handcart or perhaps the journey is much longer than we realise. Or then again, perhaps things just aren’t as bad as some of us imagine. Our attitudes and expectatio­ns can have a dramatic impact on our experience. Shake off a fear or a frustratio­n and, for you, it won’t just be today that proves surprising­ly lucky — but far more of your future. Jonathan left you a powerful prediction. Your latest inspiring Moon-sign forecast is waiting for you. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

DO carrots help you see in the dark? My grandmothe­r was sure they did. She lived in the days before the internet, so she couldn’t type the words ‘carrot’, ‘dark’ and ‘myth’ into a search engine. But on the days that she ate carrots, she felt certain her night vision improved. Maybe it did. When ideas give us confidence, they often give impressive results, regardless of whether science backs them up. Don’t dismiss someone else’s beliefs this weekend, but don’t rely on them entirely either! Jonathan left important news for you in your latest spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

THE more power you have, the more important it is to use it wisely. People who rattle sabres are often doing this only in order to create an illusion of strength they do not actually possess. The folk who can really make the difference can also be the ones who keep quiet in the background. You may not always see yourself as a maker of kings or a shaper of destinies, but think about what you could change if you really wanted to — and who would pay attention if you were to speak. Jonathan left you a powerful prediction. Your latest inspiring Moon-sign forecast is waiting for you. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

WHEN a couple don’t seem suited, observers say: ‘I don’t know what he (she) sees in him (her).’ But what some people see in others is one of life’s mysteries. No parliament, no matter how inclined to legislate, could pass statutes as labyrinthi­ne as the laws of attraction. Nor could even the most ambitious physicists hope to define these. We become drawn for reasons that defy logic. But still we are drawn. An unreasonab­le magnetism is now at work. Don’t fight it or try to explain it. Just try to go with it. Jonathan left important news for you in your latest spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

WHY did you come here? What first inspired you to take a human form? It is no use saying, ‘I don’t remember.’ Or, ‘I don’t believe I ever made such a decision.’ Suspend your disbelief. Just imagine that it happened. What might you have been hoping for? I ask only because you may now need to look more closely at a situation that doesn’t entirely please you. It may not be all you wish it was, but does it not still contain what, in essence, could surely be considered all that you ever wanted to receive from life? Jonathan left you a powerful prediction. Your latest inspiring Moon-sign forecast is waiting for you. Call 0906 751 5612.

JONATHAN was preparing readings in advance before his death and we are continuing to publish them. We are also sharing his inspiring quotes. Today, from September 2003: ‘Some believe we will be judged when we die. The “good” go to heaven; others will go to hell. Too many people get away with dreadful deeds. Others, who have clearly been kind, appear no better off. Perhaps imbalance in this world will be rectified in the next. You wonder why you bother doing the right thing, but you won’t be waiting for eternity to get what you deserve. You are much closer to a heaven on earth than you know.’

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